September 14, 2010 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Public Notice |
1. Call to order
1.A. Invocation
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Petitions and Communications
3. Items for Action
3.A. Approval of Minutes
3.B. Consider Action on 2010-2011 School Calendar Revision
3.C. Consider Action to Recognize County Extension Agents as Adjunct Staff Members and to count students participating in 4H/Extension Activities "In Attendance for Foundation Program Purposes"
3.D. Consider Action on Selecting a Delegate and an Alternate to the 2010 TASB Delegate Assembly
3.E. Consider Action on Setting Future Board Meeting Date(s)
3.F. Consider Action on Setting a Date for Public Hearing on FIRST
4. Items for Information
4.A. Athletic Director Report
4.A.1. Fall Sports
4.A.2. Miscellaneous
4.B. Principal Reports
4.B.1. Elementary Principal
4.B.1.a. Enrollment Figures
4.B.1.b. Campus News
4.B.1.c. Miscellaneous
4.B.2. Junior High Principal
4.B.2.a. Enrollment Figures
4.B.2.b. Campus News
4.B.2.c. Miscellaneous
4.B.3. High School Principal
4.B.3.a. Enrollment Figures
4.B.3.b. Campus News
4.B.3.c. Miscellaneous
4.C. Tax A/C Report
4.D. Superintendent's Report
4.D.1. Enrollment Figures
4.D.2. CECRS
4.D.3. HR 1586
4.D.4. TASA/TASB Convention - Houston - September 24-26
4.D.5. Annual Audit - September 20
4.D.6. Update on Single Member Districts
4.D.7. Update on Elementary Construction
4.D.8. Miscellaneous
5. Executive Session
5.A. To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline of a public officer or employee, including resignations and recommendations from the superintendent on items covered by this section
5.B. Discuss Personnel Matters with Superintendent
5.C. Resignations
5.D. Recommendations
6. Consider Personnel Recommendations
7. Official Adjournment