August 12, 2008 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Public Notice |
1. Call to order
1.A. Invocation
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of Minute(s)
3. Presentation on Memorial Area for Trent Ueckert by his family
4. Presentation on District Safety Audit
5. Superintendent Report
5.A. Meeting with Building & Grounds Committee on Facility Rental Agreements
5.B. August Inservice
5.C. Summer Projects
5.D. District Accountability Report
5.E. Update 07/08 Budget
5.F. Miscellaneous
6. Petitions and Communications
7. Tax A/C Report
8. New Business
8.A. Consideration and possible action to amend the Board resolution adopted on January 14, 2008, entitled: "Resolution Expressing Official Intent Regarding Certain Expenditures to be Reimbursed with Proceeds of Clean Renewable Energy Bonds" to include an attachment specifying "Reimbursement Expenditures" for purposes of the Resolution
8.B. Consideration and possible action on Student/Parent Laptop Handbook and Acceptable Use Policy
8.C. Consideration and possible action on donating old computers hardware
8.D. Consideration and possible action on Ballinger Pre-K Policy
8.E. Budget Workshop #3
8.E.1. Certified Appraisal Roll
8.E.2. Review latest refined Tax & Revenue Budget Estimates
8.E.3. Consideration and possible action on Rider 86
8.E.4. Adopt Proposed Tax Rate for inclussion in Notice of Public Meeting to Discuss Budget and Proposed Tax Rate
8.F. Personnel
8.F.1. To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee
8.F.2. Discuss Personnel Matters with Superintendent
8.F.3. Resignations
8.F.4. Recommendations
9. Action, if any, of Matters Discussed in Closed Session
10. Adjournment