July 15, 2008 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Public Notice |
1. Call to order
1.A. Invocation
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of Minute(s)
3. Superintendent Report
3.A. Reminder called Board Meeting - July 28 at 5:30 PM
3.B. Local Government Officer Conflict Disclosure Statement
3.C. Runnels County Appraisal District - 2009 Proposed Budget
3.D. TASA/TASB Convention - September 26-28, 2008 - Dallas, Texas
3.E. Update on Summer Projects
3.E.1. JH Painting
3.E.2. 1 to 1 Laptop Initiative
3.F. Facilities Policy and Rental Agreement
3.G. Update Rapid Responder Grant
3.H. Miscellaneous
4. Petitions and Communications
5. Tax A/C Report
6. Budget Report
7. Quarterly Investment Report
8. Discussion: Review Request for Proposals for the Sale of Clean Renewable Energy Bonds
9. Old Business
9.A. Consideration and possible action on 1st Reading of Policy Update 83
10. New Business
10.A. Consideration and possible action on Health being taught in 7th grade for High School Credit
10.B. Consideration and possible action on Co-Curricular Policy
10.C. Consideration and possible action on Athletics Policy
10.D. Consideration and possible action on Band Policy
10.E. Consideration and possible action on School within a School Policy
10.F. Budget Amendments
10.G. Consideration and possible action to approve the sale of Clean Renewable Energy Bonds
10.H. Consideration and possible action to enter into a contract to purchase a 750 KW Micon Wind Turbine
10.I. Consideration and possible action to Schedule a Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Elementary Construction Project
10.J. Budget Workshop #2
10.J.1. Tax & Revenue Estimates
10.J.2. Review latest refined budget
10.J.3. Staff Ratios for Comparable Districts
10.J.4. Senior Admission Passes for District 7-AA
10.J.5. Provide direction for adjustment
10.K. Personnel
10.K.1. To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee
10.K.2. Discuss Personnel Matters with Superintendent
10.K.3. Resignations
10.K.4. Recommendations
11. Action, if any, of Matters Discussed in Closed Session
12. Adjournment