January 21, 2008 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Public Notice |
1. Call to order
1.A. Invocation
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of Minute(s)
3. School Board Recognition
4. Presentation from CADCO Architects-Engineers
5. Report of Administrators
5.A. Elementary Principal
5.B. Junior High Principal
5.C. High School Principal
6. Superintendent Report
6.A. Honor Roll/Failure Report
6.B. Attendance Figures
6.C. Runnels County Appraisal District Directors for 2008-2009
6.D. Miscellaneous
7. Petitions and Communications
8. Tax A/C Report
9. Budget Report
10. Quarterly Investment Report
11. Update on D.A.T.E. (District Award for Teacher Excellence)
12. Old Business
12.A. Consideration of entering into an agreement with Underwood Attorneys and Counselors of Lubbock, Tx
13. New Business
13.A. Consideration of Dyslexia Plan
13.B. Consideration of hiring CADCO Architects-Engineers as the District's Architect for Construction/Renovation Projects
13.C. Budget Amendment(s)
13.D. Consideration of 2008-2009 Budget Calendar
13.E. Personnel
13.E.1. Discuss Personnel Matters with Superintendent
13.E.2. Resignations
13.E.3. Recommendations
14. Action, if any, of Matters Discussed in Closed Session
15. Adjournment