December 11, 2006 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Public Notice |
1. Call to order
1.A. Invocation
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of Minute(s)
3. Report from High School Students of the Safe and Drug Free Advisory Committee Findings
4. Superintendent Report
4.A. Enrollment Figures
4.B. December and January School Calendar
4.C. Report on Network Administrator Position
4.D. Miscellaneous
5. Petitions and Communications
6. Tax A/C Report
7. Budget Report
8. Report on AEIS (Academic Excellence Indication System) and AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress)
9. New Business
9.A. Consideration of a memorandum of understanding between the Ballinger Independent School District and the Ballinger Education Foundation
9.B. Consideration of Uniform Election Date in Compliance of Education Code 11.0581
9.C. Consideration of designation of fund balance
9.D. Consideration of 2007-2008 Budget Calendar
9.E. Consideration of Ballinger ISD Drug Testing Program
9.F. Set January and February Board Meetings
9.G. Consideration of called meeting for Superintendent Evaluation
9.H. Personnel
9.H.1. Discuss Personnel Matters with Superintendent
9.H.2. Resignations
9.H.3. Recommendations
10. Action, if any, of Matters Discussed in Closed Session
11. Adjournment