October 24, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
1. Call the Meeting to order and establish a quorum
2. Comments from the Public in Open Forum
3. Discussion and/or Action to approve the audited Annual Financial Report for the Year Ended August 31, 2023 as presented by Mr. Cameron Gulley, CPA.
4. Discussion and/or Action to approve the Minutes of the September 20, 2023 regular meeting.
5. Review the reports
5.a. Monthly Financial Statement
5.b. Monthly Bank Reconciliation
5.c. Monthly Investment Report
5.d. Upcoming events and training opportunities
5.e. Superintendent/Principal's Report
6. Discussion and/or Action to approve the 2023-2024 District/Campus Improvement Plan.
7. Discussion and/or Action to approve proposals for district-wide upgrades including additional security fencing, playground canopies, and track repavement.
8. Discussion and/or Action to nominate a candidate for the position of Board of Directors for the Kenedy County Central Appraisal District, 2023-2024 Term.
9. Discussion and/or Action to consider a Joint Proclamation with neighboring districts including Banquete ISD, Driscoll ISD, Kingsville ISD, Santa Gertrudis ISD, Ricardo ISD, and Riviera ISD to work unitedly with elected officials to advocate support of public education.
10. Discussion and/or Action to consider Legislative Priorities and Positions for the Third Special Session of the Texas Legislature - Fall 2023.
11. Adjournment