November 14, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Announcement of Changes/ additions to the agenda
4. Awards and Recognition
4.a. Fall Sports Awards
5. Consent Agenda
5.a. Minutes of the October 10, 2022 Regular Meeting
5.b. Monthly Financials
5.b.1. District Financials
5.b.2. ASB Financials
5.c. Resignations
6. Audience and Communication
6.a. Policy 3113 - Ashley Pernell
7. Reports
7.a. 5 Year Facilities Maintenance Plan
7.b. MDHS CTE Program Update - Tim Thomas
7.c. Construction Update
7.d. SDE Student Transportation Spot Inspection Report
7.e. Fall Assessment Data
7.f. Continuous Improvement Plan Community Forum
7.g. Crestline Academy Lease Update
8. Action Items
8.a. New Intervention Paraprofessional Position - Heartland High School (Class Size)
8.b. New Teacher Position - Barbara R. Morgan Elementary School (Class Size)
8.c. High Reliability Schools Summit Attendance Request
8.d. Out of State Attendance Request - KC Wheeler
8.e. Moving Developmental Preschool to the District Office
8.f. Idaho Workforce Development Grant Opportunity
8.g. EPA Bus Rebate Program
8.h. Policy 5460 Housing Assistance Program Review
8.i. Gifted & Talented 3 year plan
8.j. Memorandum of Understanding with McCall Police Department (FERPA)
8.k. Selection of Construction Manager/General Contractor for Staff Housing Project
9. Executive Session
9.a. To acquire an interest in real property not owned by a public agency
10. Adjournment