May 31, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Public Notice |
I. Meeting Details
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Recognition of Accomplishment
V. Public Comments
VI. Consent Agenda - Mr. Jurowski
VI.A. Agenda
VI.B. Bills for Payment
VI.C. Minutes
VI.D. Staffing - New Hires, Resignations, Retirements, Revised FTE
VI.E. July Meeting moved to July 12
VII. Information/Discussion/Possible Action
VII.A. Curriculum Expectations - Ms. DeFord
VII.A.1. School Improvement Plans Updates and Approval of Lakeview AGR Summary
VII.B. Character Education - Mr. Hintz
VII.C. Community Engagement - Mr. Hintz
VII.C.1. Heritage Days Parade Participation
VII.D. Capital Effectiveness - Mr. Vega
VII.D.1. Outside Fields Project Revision Discussion and Possible Approval
VII.D.2. 2023-24 Nutrition Services Fees Approval
VIII. Superintendent’s Report
IX. President’s Report
X. Announcements
XI. Closed Session - The Board will move into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes Section 19.85(1)(c) to consider employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility to discuss performance evaluation information related to specific employees.
XII. Adjournment and Non-Discrimination Statement