January 19, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
1) Call to order Open Session in the Board Room of the Lovenberg Administration Building, 3904 Avenue T, Galveston, Texas.
2) Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag and the Texas flag.
3) The Board may recess into Closed Executive Session in the Library as permitted by the Texas Open Meeting Act Government Code Sections 551.071- 551.090 Subchapter D and E.
Should any final action, final decision, or final vote be required in the opinion of the School Board with regard to any matter considered in such closed meeting then the final action, final decision, or final vote shall be either: A) in the open meeting covered by the Notice upon the reconvening of the public meeting; or B) at a subsequent public meeting of the School Board upon notice thereof; as the School Board shall determine. |
3)A) Personnel
3)B) Consultation with Attorney
3)C) Real Property
4) Reestablish the open meeting of the Galveston ISD Board of Trustees.
5) District Reports
5)A) Superintendent's Report
5)A)1) Young Gardeners Presentation
5)A)2) Ball High Alumni Recognition
5)B) Long Range Facilities Presentation
5)C) Board Committee Reports
5)C)1) Curriculum Committee Chair- Ms. Ann Masel
5)C)2) Facilities/Finance Committee Chair- Mr. Johnny Smecca
6) Board President to Appoint Standing Committees.
7) Financial Reports and Budget Update
8) CONSENT AGENDA - Action Items
8)A) Consider approval of the minutes from the Regular School Board Meeting on December 15, 2021 and Special Meeting on December 20, 2021.
8)B) Consider approval of personnel resignations and recommendations with contracts.
8)C) Discuss and consider approval of payment of attorney fees.
8)D) Discuss and consider approval of monthly Budget Amendments
8)E) Consider Approval of Purchases >$50,000
8)F) Discuss and consider accepting donations in accordance with Board Policy CDC Local.
8)G) Discuss and consider Resolution to join Central Texas Purchasing Alliance
GISD seeks to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with the Central Texas Purchasing Alliance in order to benefit from certain purchasing contracts and believes this is in the best interest of the District. The board resolution to join the cooperative is attached for your review.
8)H) Discuss and consider approval to contract with N2Learning to assist with district planning for school improvement including the facilitation of the Visioning process in an amount not to exceed $55,000.
Galveston ISD, a member of the cohort of the System of Great Schools (SGS), desires to develop a locally designed system-level innovation and problem-solving approach with the goal of increasing the number and percentage of students in top-rated schools and reducing the number and percentage of students in low-rated schools. N2 Learning will work with the district to design a process to both improve schools and provide the community with the schools and programs they desire.
N2 Learning will facilitate 5 full-day strategic planning meetings consisting of research, expert presentation by Todd Whitaker, and collaboration in order to create a plan based on the beliefs of the school district and community and the commitments on the part of both in order to have more students in better schools every year. The scheduled dates are January 28-29, February 11-12, and February 25, 2022. Throughout the process, N2 will support committee members in aligning the district’s beliefs and commitments with the mission and core values of the district and the community which will serve as a guide for educational programs in the district. N2Learning Inc. is a part of the Central Texas Purchasing Alliance cooperative. |
8)I) Discuss and Consider out of state trip to Panama, for eligible 7th & 8th grade students at Austin Middle School June 2022
Participating students and chaperones, led by Emily Shotwell, will travel to Panama to participate in a STEM-focused environmental science tour. The trip will be open to all middle school students and is an extension of the school’s magnet focus and science curriculum. This will be the third tour planned for Austin Middle School through Education First and the first STEM-specific tour.
No school materials or transportation will be used for this trip. The trip does not conflict with any regularly scheduled school days. |
8)J) Discuss and consider approval of additional courses as Advanced for 9th graders entering 2022-2023.
According to EIC (LOCAL) The District shall categorize and weight eligible courses as Advanced Placement (AP)/Honors and Regular in accordance with provisions of this policy and as designated in appropriate District publications, including the high school catalog.
Administration recommends the attached list of courses be listed as advanced courses in District Publications including the high school course catalog. |
8)K) Discuss and consider approval for an out of state trip to Cozumel Mexico via a Cruise leaving from the Galveston Port on Feb. 2, 2023, for eligible Band and Choir students (75-100 students and 15 chaperones). Select student groups will perform on the ship and all students will be given the cultural experience of visiting Cozumel Mexico.
9) REGULAR AGENDA- Action Items
9)A) Discuss and consider approval of the August 31, 2021, Annual Financial and Compliance Report
As required by the Texas Education Code and Board Policy CFC Legal, the Board shall have the District's fiscal accounts audited annually. The financial report for the August 31, 2021 fiscal year is ready to be approved.
A representative from Whitley Penn, CPA firm will report on the examination conducted on the District's financial operations and answer any questions. The final draft report is attached for your review. |
9)B) Discuss and consider for action trustees’ request for information concerning a comparison of prices for sports clothing and equipment by the district’s prior vendor and those compared to current vendor.
10) Citizen's Request to Address the Board on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items. Please complete sign-up sheets available in the lobby prior to the start of the meeting.
11) Suggested Future Agenda Items
12) Board Comments
13) Adjournment