March 15, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Public Notice |
I. 7:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting:
II. Call to Order, Roll Call, Flag Salute, Land Acknowledgement
III. Receive Reports from High School Student Representatives
IV. Agenda Review
V. Introduction of Guests and Superintendent’s Report
VI. Comments by Board Chair
VII. Items Raised by the Audience
VIII. Comments by Employee Groups
IX. Comments and Committee Reports by Individual Board Members
X. Consent Group: Items for Action
X.1. Approve the minutes from the Regular Board Meeting on 2.1.2023
Approve the minutes from the Executive Session on 2.8.2023 Approve the Minutes from the Regular Board Meeting on 3.1.2023 |
X.2. Approve Eugene Association of Substitute Teachers (EAST) Proposal/Memo of Agreement (MOA)
X.3. Approve Bond Counsel with Mersereau Shannon
X.4. Approve Private Alternative Education Services Agreement #23-088
XI. Items for Information
XI.1. Standing Item for Information for Current Legislative Session
Legislative Update: 10 Minutes Presenter: Legislative Board Subcommittee Chair, Judy Newman |
XI.2. Board Goal Setting
Presenter: Andy Dey, Superintendent 15 Minutes |
XI.3. Board Member Communication and Calendar Protocols
Presenter: Andy Dey 25 Minutes |
XII. Items for Action
XII.1. Approve the Academic Calendar for 2023-2024
Presenter: Andy Dey, Superintendent 10 Minutes |
XII.2. Approve Integrated Guidance Plan
Presented by Andy Dey, Superintendent; Rob Hess, Chief of Staff 30 Minutes |
XII.3. Board Member Support
Presenter: Andy Dey, Superintendent 15 Minutes |
XIII. Items for Action at a Future Meeting
XIII.1. Book and Instructional Materials Challenge Policy
Presenter: Rob Hess, Chief of Staff 15 Minutes |
XIII.2. Board Meeting Security Measures
Presenters: Andy Dey, Superintendent; Rob Hess, Chief of Staff 30 Minutes |
XIV. Suggestions by the Board for Consideration of Items at a Future Meeting
XV. Adjourn