May 19, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Called Meeting
Public Notice |
I. Call meeting to order.
II. Discussion/Action: Swear in board members Kevin Bush, Charles McShan and Krispen Rucker.
III. Discussion/Action: Conduct re-organization of the Board of Trustees.
IV. Introduce Employees of the Month.
V. Introduce Students of the Month.
VI. Recognize One Act Play members.
VII. Recognize FFA officers.
VIII. Recognize junior high and high school state rodeo finalists.
IX. Recognize regional and state track members.
X. Open forum.
XI. Discusstion/Action: Consider approving amendments to the 2013-14 Elkhart I.S.D. budget.
XII. Discussion/Action: Elect school board member representative to serve on the District Site-Based Advisory Committee.
XIII. Discussion/Action: Elect school board representative to serve on the School Health Advisory Committee.
XIV. Discussion/Action: Appoint superintendent as the Authorized Official for the Application Designation and Certification (ADC) Form and the Consolidated Application.
XV. Discussion/Action: Review/approve administrative reports.
XV.i. Minutes - April 28, 2014 regular meeting
XV.ii. Tax Report
XV.iii. Financial Report
XV.iv. Accounts Payable
XV.v. Elementary Principal Report
| Intermediate Principal Report
XV.vii. Middle School Principal Report
XV.viii. High School Principal Report
XV.ix. Technology Director Report
XV.x. Special Programs Director Report
XV.xi. Superintendent Report
XV.xii. Miscellaneous
XVI. Closed Session:
XVI.i. Consider personnel matters with regard to confirmation of hiring/employing professional personnel, resignations, assignments and complaints.
XVI.i.a. Ratify resignations
XVI.i.b. Consider personnel contracts
XVI.ii. Consider discipline of a public school child, or complaint or charge against personnel.
XVI.ii.a. 2014-15 Student Transfer List
XVII. Re-open meeting.
XVIII. Discussion/Action: Consider items discussed in closed session.
XIX. Adjourn.