November 14, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Monthly Meeting
Public Notice |
1. Opening the Meeting
1.1. Call to Order
1.2. Pledge of Allegiance
1.3. District Mission Statement
1.4. Nebraska Open Meetings Law
1.5. Publication of the Meeting
1.6. Board Member Roll Call
1.7. Excuse Absent Board Members
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Celebration of Excellence
4. Public Comment
5. Information Items
5.1. Superintendent
5.2. Elementary Principal
5.3. Secondary Principal
6. Consent Agenda
6.1. Minutes
6.2. Bills/Transfers/Treasurer's Report
6.3. Acceptance/Emergency Modifications of the Agenda
7. Action Items
7.1. Voluntary Early Retirement
7.2. Football Declaration
7.3. Emergent 3 Service Agreement
7.4. Air Conditioner Damage Insurance Claim
7.5. Request to add additional boys basketball assistant coach
8. Discussion/Information Items
8.1. Policy Update #4043 Professional Boundaries between Employees and Students
8.2. Superintendent Evaluation
8.3. 2022-23 Audit from Romans, Weimer & Associates attached
8.4. External review presentation
9. Future Agenda Items
10. Adjournment