October 27, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Board Meeting
Public Notice |
6. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Opportunity for Board members to report items of interest.
8. SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: Opportunity for Superintendent to report items of interest
9. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: The public is invited to address the Board on items not listed on the agenda. No action may be taken on any subject raised during public comment until the matter has been properly placed on an agenda for a properly noticed meeting pursuant to NRS 241 (Nevada’s Open Meeting Law).
If you wish to speak please step up to the front table, be seated, and state your name. Your comments must be limited to no more than three minutes and must fall under subjects within the Board’s jurisdiction and control. In consideration of others avoid repetition. Although this Board does not restrict comments based upon viewpoint, comments will be prohibited if the contents are willfully disruptive, slanderous, amount to personal attacks or interfere with the rights of other speakers. Comments made during this time will be monitored by the Board Chairperson. |
10. CONSENT AGENDA (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION): All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered routine and may be acted upon by the Board of School Trustees with one action and without an extensive hearing. Any member of the Board or any citizen may request that an item be taken from the consent agenda, discussed, and acted upon separately, during this meeting.
10.A. Requests for Exemption from Immunization. (confidential)
10.B. Request for Leave (confidential)
10.C. Personnel Reports
10.D. Quarterly CSR Report
10.E. Enrollment
10.F. School Performance Plans
11. District Financial Report:
Paybill Dated 9/16, 9/17,9/21, 9/30, 10/7, 10/16/2020; Checks #200146-200515; Vouchers #1043, 1044, 1046, 1056, 1057, 1058, 1059; Total $1,400,442.86 |
14. (For Possible Action) Discussion and possible action regarding the population growth in Lyon County and the possible impact on the LCSD. This item is being presented by Board Trustee, John Stevens.
15. (For Possible Action) Discussion and possible action regarding extra-curricular activities and community use of LCSD facilities during the Nevada State of Emergency. This item is being presented by Board President, Neal McIntyre and Superintendent, Wayne Workman.
16. (For Possible Action) Discussion and possible action regarding the District budget in preparation for the amended FY21 budget to be presented at the November 17, 2020 and December 15, 2020 Board of School Trustees meetings. This item is being presented by Director of Business Services and Finance Manager/Comptroller, Spencer Winward.
17. (For Possible Action) Discussion and possible action regarding a report from the LCSD Grants Department. This item is being presented by Grants Manager, Cindy Routh and Director of Business Services, Harman Bains.
18. (For Possible Action) Discussion and possible action regarding a report on how to understand and interpret the various assessments administered to LCSD students. This item is being presented by Director of Elementary CIA, Heather Moyle, Director of Secondary CIA, Jim Gianotti and Curriculum, Assessment and Data Specialist, Amber Westmoreland.
19. (For Possible Action) Discussion and possible action regarding a report on the Nevada Educator Performance Framework (NEPF) results including the annual review of Student Learning Goals (SLG). This item is presented by Director of Human Resources, Dawn Huckaby and Deputy Superintendent, Tim Logan.
20. (For Possible Action) Discussion and possible action regarding revisions to LCSD Policy EBCD: Extreme Environmental Conditions and Emergency School Closures as a first reading. This item is being presented by Superintendent, Wayne Workman.
21. (For Possible Action) Discussion and possible action on agenda items for future board meetings and/or information item requests, including a summary by the superintendent. This item is being presented by Board President, Neal McIntyre and Superintendent, Wayne Workman.
22. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: The public is invited to address the Board on items not listed on the agenda. No action may be taken on any subject raised during public comment until the matter has been properly placed on an agenda for a properly noticed meeting pursuant to NRS 241 (Nevada’s Open Meeting Law).
If you wish to speak please step up to the front table, be seated, and state your name. Your comments must be limited to no more than three minutes and must fall under subjects within the Board’s jurisdiction and control. In consideration of others avoid repetition. Although this Board does not restrict comments based upon viewpoint, comments will be prohibited if the contents are willfully disruptive, slanderous, amount to personal attacks or interfere with the rights of other speakers. Comments made during this time will be monitored by the Board Chairperson. |