1. Agenda will be provided at the Meeting from the Superintendent
Attendance Taken at at 5:48 PM Agenda Item: Agenda will be provided at the Meeting from the Superintendent
Americanism Committee
American Civics meeting
Scott Barger
Mike Langan
Charlie McPherson
Grant Norgaard
Jeff Gross
McCook Gazette Reporter Shawn Winder was also present at the meeting.
Committee on American Civics Meeting Agenda
7-10-2023 @ 5:45 pm
McCook Jr. High Boardroom
Agenda Items
Roll call
Chairperson: Mike Langan
Members: Scott Barger, Charlie McPherson
Attendance taken
Administration: Grant Norgaard, Jeff Gross
Notice of open meetings
Official meeting note s are being taken by Superintendent Norgaard
Purpose of This Committee
to become competent, responsible, patriotic, and civil citizens and to ensure a strong, stable, just, and prosperous America.
General Information for Review
Students learn the following songs in elementary school (introduced in the primary grades)
Star Spangled Banner - McCook Elementary
America the Beautiful - McCook Elementary
Important US documents and Philosophical Beliefs used in instruction
The declaration of Independence and (Government and Law, American History & Civics)
United State Constitution (Government and Law, American History & Civics)
Nebraska’s Constitution (4th grade)
Civics is taught at the freshman level
Citizenry (K-12 multidisciplinary approach)
History is taught in grades (K-12)
Geography is taught at the freshman level
Economics is taught at the 4th, 8th, and 10th grades
Financial literacy is taught at 5th grade and personal finance
Special Day’s that will be recognized during the 2023-2024 school year:
President’s day (February 19)
George Washington's birthday (February 22)
AbrahamLincoln's birthday (February 12)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday (January 15)
Native American Heritage Day (November 24)
Thanksgiving (November 23)
Constitution Day (September 17)
Veterans Day (November 11)
Special Days when out of school
Memorial Day
Independence day
Presentation of curriculum materials and assessments
Social Sciences Curriculum
Please review and make a comment on a post-it note when you struggle to find expected content and attach it to the folder for PLC teams to address in the fall.
Please Focus on
Committee on American Civics State statute 79-724
Essential learning target
Unpacked standards document
Pacing Guide
Subversive content
Flagged with a 3" by 5" postcard taped to the cover
Content removed from the binder and given to the Superintendent for record keeping
All other Content Areas
Please review and make a comment on a post-it note when you struggle to find expected content and attach it to the folder for PLC teams to address in the fall.
Please look for
Essential learning target
Unpacked standards document
Pacing Guide
Subversive content
Flagged with a 3" by 5" postcard taped to the cover
Content removed from the binder and given to the Superintendent for record keeping
The agenda was followed.
Comments were added to the folders to provide directions to staff on how to improve their curricular content.
Folder Review Directions
Review the folder for items that have been identified as needing to be present. If you cannot easily find an item that should be present in the folder, use the color coded post-it notes to clearly mark the deficiency. See the color code below
If you find the following items to not be present or not easy to identify please use the appropriate color of post-it note to mark the folder.
Missing essential learning target should be marked with an orange post-it note
This item may look like a series of circles or boxes that have standards placed in them.
Missing unpacked standards should be marked with a blue post-it note.
This item may look like a table that breaks down the standards into small learning objectives and should be written in student friendly language.
Missing pacing guide should be marked with a yellow post-it note.
This item might be a calendar or an outline of when each CRT assessment will be given.
Any other item that is missing should be marked with a green post-it note, and a comment identifying the missing item(s).
An example of other items that should be in the CRT folders are the CRT assessments themselves.
Other types of assessments should also be present, such as quizzes.
Any curriculum content you come across that has anti-American or subversive content should be immediately removed and the folder to be flagged with a 3" by 5" postcard taped to the front of the binder.
Criterion Refrenced Test Folders
Ver. 04.12.23
Checkoff Sheet
Current CRTs
Assessments no longer used need to be removed and new/modified assessments put into the notebook
Each essential learning objective should have already been unpacked to its smaller learning objectives and these documents need to be added to the CRT notebook
CRT Calendar/Pacing Guide - The unpacked standards document Has a pacing guide column
Timeline for window when CRTs should be given
Simple list of CRTs and window of time the assessment should be given to students.
Calendars with CRTs placed on them will also be accepted
General Information about where the student version of the CRT assessment can be obtained
This CRT binder is your source for the assessments - you will need to make copies
Electronic version on Canvas and can be accessed by...
Paper CRT documents in Teacher CRT folder in room 103, File C, Folder CRT/Targets/unpacked standards
Formative Assessments
Please have teachers add to their CRT folders a section for the formative & Common formative assessments they have developed that are of high quality.
Formal formative assessments
Social Sciences CRT Folders
To include in Folder
Committee on American Civics State statute 79-724 LINK
Checkoff sheet for teachers to use to make sure they present evidence for covering all of the statutes.
Make sure the folders present evidence for what we teach and when
Specific examples not generic
What are we are doing on the specific days to recognize groups?
Unpacked standards instructional content
Tabbed section of the CRT folder titled ‘American Civics,’ which will contain (1)state statute 79-7244, the (2)District’s social sciences requirements checklist, (3)Make sure the folders present evidence for what we teach and when including samples of student work, and (4)what are we are doing on the specific days to recognize groups?
George Washington's birthday, Abraham Lincoln's birthday, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday, Native American Heritage Day, Constitution Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Day, or on the day or week preceding or following such holiday, if the school is in session.
For each content area in a CRT folder there will need to be a tabbed section titled ‘DOK Evidence,’ which will contain evidence of DOK level 3 and 4 CRT assessments
You may also use other forms of evidence to show DOK level 3 and 4 learning concerning essential learning objectives, and place that evidence in your CRT folder.