March 18, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes |
1. Signature of Notification
2. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call, Welcome Visitors
2.1. Acknowledge Open Meetings Law
More Information:
The Board of Education reserves the right to enter into Executive Session for the protection of the public interest; or the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual, and if the individual has not requested a public meeting.
2.2. Notice of this meeting was published in the Gering Courier on Thursday, March 14, 2019.
3. Excuse Absent Board Members
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Minutes From Previous Board Meeting
4.2. Approval of Claims/Bills
4.3. First Reading of Board Policies
4.3.i. 607.1 - Class Size
4.3.ii. 607.2 - School Ceremonies And Observations
4.3.iii. 607.3 - Animals In The Classroom
4.3.iv. 607.4 - Student Production Of Materials And Services
4.3.v. 607.5 - Student Field Trips And Excursions
| 607.6 - Collection Of Money By Staff
4.3.vii. 607.7 - Planning And Record-Keeping By Teachers
4.3.viii. 607.8 - School Volunteers
4.3.ix. 607.9 - Service Animals
4.4. Second Reading of Board Policies
4.4.i. 606.1 - Instructional Material Selection
4.4.ii. 606.2 - Instructional Materials Inspection
4.4.iii. 606.3 - Objection to Instructional Materials
4.4.iv. 606.4 - Technology and Instructional Materials
4.4.v. 606.5 - Media Centers
| 606.6 - Acceptable Use of Computers, Technology and the Internet
4.4.vii. 606.7 - District Website
4.4.viii. Reproduction of Copyrighted Materials
4.4.ix. 606.9 - Textbook Loans to Children Enrolled in Private Schools
4.5. Personnel Items
4.5.i. Contract Approvals
4.5.i.1. Andrew Marlow - Mental Health Practitioner, Junior High School
4.5.i.2. Ashley De Los Santos - Guidance Counselor, Senior High School
4.5.i.3. Renee Malm - Resource Teacher, Senior High School
4.5.i.4. Jessica Jersild - Resource Teacher, Geil Elementary
4.5.i.5. Denise Jensen - Resource Teacher, Junior High School
4.5.i.6. Jarrod Williams - Business Teacher, Junior High School
4.5.ii. Resignations
4.5.ii.1. Amy Gross - Resource Teacher, Northfield Elementary
4.5.ii.2. Peggy Millay - Fourth Grade Teacher, Geil Elementary
5. Patron Comments
6. Reports and Discussions
6.1. Recognition Of Bulldog Staff Member Of the Month Roxann Thompson
An award recognizing Mrs. Roxann Thompson was presented by Kory Knight and Eldon Hubbard following the reading of a nomination letter. Mary Winn acknowledged Roxann's ability to always look at the bright side of any situation while B.J. Peters and Brian Copsey attested to the value of Business English notebooks developed by students under her instruction. Peters thanked Roxann for her her many years of dedication to the district, and congratulated her.
6.2. Building Report - Northfield Elementary School
Principal Wiedeman introduced staff and students as they offered attendees a look into "Life at Northfield Elementary" from their perspective.
6.3. Curriculum Committee Report
Committee Chair Mary Winn recapped the March 7 meeting that was held at the Senior High library. The committee has selected science curriculum for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year which will move into a purchase proposal for further board review. Our National Honor Society selection criteria is under review for possible reformatting.
6.4. Facilities Committee Report
Haussman Construction representative Ty Kayton shared a full update on the current stage of construction as well as a timeline detailing the remainder of the project.
6.4.i. GHS Construction Project Update from Ty Kayton of Hausmann Construction
6.5. Business Committee Report
Chairman Josh Lacy offered insight on recent boiler repairs at Lincoln Elementary alongside accounts payable.
6.5.i. Trial Balance Summary
6.5.ii. Fund Balances
6.5.iii. Schedule of Investments
6.5.iv. Financial Statements
6.6. Superintendent's Report
7. Action Items
7.1. Discuss, consider and take all necessary action regarding the retirement of Kathy Unick, Resource Teacher at Geil Elementary, at the end of the 2018 - 2019 school year.
7.2. Discuss, consider, and take action regarding Pay Application #11 to Hausmann Construction in the amount of $1,306,863.67 for the Gering High School Project
8. Tentative Committee Meeting Dates
Future Board MeetingsSecond March Board Meeting - Tues, Mar 26 @ 12:00 p.m. (Central Office) April Regular Board Meeting - Mon, Apr 15 @ 6:00 p.m. (City Council Chambers) Second April Board Meeting - Tues, Apr 23 @ 12:00 p.m. (Central Office) Tentative Committee Meeting Dates:Policy Review Committee -- Mon, Mar 25 @ 4:30 p.m. (Central Office)Personnel Committee -- Thurs, Mar 28 @ 4:30 p.m. (Central Office) Curriculum Committee -- Tues, Apr 2 @ 7:00 a.m. (Northfield Elementary) Facilities Committee -- Thurs, Apr 4 @ 4:30 p.m. Business Committee -- Mon, Apr 8 @ 4:30 p.m. (Central Office) |
9. Board Comments
Josh Lacy thanked staff and students who had presented at the meeting for all they do to make the community a great place noting it wouldn't be the same without them. He further acknowledged Principal Wiedeman and Northfield Elementary for the exciting and special things going on at their building. Mary Winn described her experience in attending the district speech competition hosted at Gering Junior High school the week prior stating it was a full house with 24 school buses of students involved. She praised the Gering "Barkers" speech team for an outstanding performance with many destined for state competition. Furthermore, she commended six GHS students for moving all of the weight equipment to the gym during renovations without being asked. The quote "it was the best of times, and the worst of times" by Charles Dickens was related to the circumstances as Mary found light in the fact that in many situations throughout the construction process, it had drawn out the best in people. Brent Holliday congratulated the GHS DECA team on a strong performance at state, and those advancing to national competition in Orlando, Florida. Echoing Mary and Brent's remarks, Brian Copsey also highlighted the astounding amount of traffic in our community during the district speech tournament as well as the success of the DECA team stating great leadership was at the helm of both. He also thanked Rocky Schneider for attending tonight's meeting, and added commitment during the transition. B.J. Peters spotlighted the track team for a great performance at their first track meet of the season in Chadron. He was pleased with how well they had done considering practice had been inhibited by weather. In closing, President Peters applauded everyone for keeping our young people focused. Meeting was adjourned at 7:11 p.m.
10. Adjourn