July 15, 2013 at 6:00 PM - Regular Business Meeting
Minutes |
1. Signature of Notification
2. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call, Welcome Visitors
2.1. Acknowledge Open Meeting Laws
2.1.i. The Board of Educaton reserves the right to enter into Executive Session for the protection of the public interest; or the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual, and if the individual has not requested a public meeting.
2.2. Notice of this meeting was published in the
Gering Citizen on July 11, 2013.
Notice of this meeting was published in the Gering Citizen on Thursday, July 11, 2013.
3. Excuse Absent Board Members
4. Consent Agenda*
4.1. *Sequence of agenda items subject to change. Please plan to attend the entire meeting.
4.2. Approval of Agenda/Amendment of Agenda Items
4.3. Approval of Minutes from Previous Board Meetings
4.4. Approval of Claims/Bills
4.5. Personnel Items
4.5.i. Contract Approvals
4.5.ii. Resignations
5. Recommendation to Approve Consent Agenda
6. Patron Comments
6.1. The Board recognizes the importance of citizen participation in school business. In order to assure citizens are heard and board meetings are conducted efficiently and in an organized manner, the Board shall set a 3 minute time limit per patron, not to exceed a total of 30 minutes for all comments.
7. Reports & Discussion Items
7.1. Recognition of Accomplishments
7.1.i. The Gering Citizen Newspaper has published a 2013-2014 Calender. These calendars are on sale for $5 and 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Gering High School Booster Club.
Lisa Betz of the Gering Citizen presented their 2013-2014 Calendars, which are on sale for $5 each. All proceeds will be donated to the Gering High School Booster Club. Specifics about the calendar were discussed.
7.2. Activities Eligibility Update
High School Principal Eldon Hubbard distributed an excerpt from the High School Staff Handbook related to eligibility for NSAA student activites. It states that if a student is failing a course, that student must work with their instructor or attend ELO classes. The student must also provide their coach or sponsor with evidence that that procedure has been followed. Failure to do so will result in ineligibility for that week. Activities Director Glen Koski will cross refernce the down list to assure those needing help receive it. Koski will also have access to ICampus so that he may review grades for all activity participants and follow up with coaches and/or sponsors. The original Activities Handbook was adopted eleven years ago and has been revised several times. Hubbard indicated that Activity Directors had a difficult time embracing the Activities Handbook, therefore this information is being inserted into the Staff Handbook for easy access for coaches and sponsors. The High School's Student Handbook underwent a significant re-write last year and it now includes activity participation information, thus providing this information to parents as well. Hubbard indicated that this information will now be included in the Staff Handbook also. Non-staff coaches and sponsors will be provided with this information. Hubbard stated that policies and rules have been removed from the handbooks and are now referenced.
7.3. Curriculum Committee Minutes
Peters provided a recap of the Curriculum Committee meeting, where they discussed ordering of language arts materials and reaffirmed that the Curriculum Committee will make language arts a priority.
7.4. Facilities Committee Minutes
Upp informed the Board that the Facilities Committee met at the City of Gering's softball diamonds to discuss the school district utilizing these fields instead of the fields at the Carpenter Center. The City initially expressed interest in the district using the fields east of pool, however after examining these fields the Committee would prefer to utilize fields 4 & 5 just south of the pool, as those fields provide lighting, bleachers, parking and access to public restrooms. Minimal work would need to be done to fields 4 and 5, such as the installation of higher lighting and fencing. The Committee asked that Koski coordinate a meeting between the City's Parks & Recreation Committee and the district's Facilities Committee for further discussion.
Upp also stated that Koski approached the Committee for support in seeding the empty field north of the High School. This area could then be used for soccer and football practice. District staff is looking into sprinkler costs for this location.
Hanson provided an update on summer maintenance projects.
7.5. Business Committee Minutes
Brunner provided a recap of the Business Committee Meeting. The bill list was discusssed and the Committee would like to see more detail listed on purchase orders when purchasing curriculum items.
Other topics of discussion included district financial reports and elementary and Jr. High student handbooks. The Committee reviewed annual audit bids, discussed upcoming negotiations and reviewed contracted maintenance projects. The proposed Interlocal Agreement with the City regarding district use of the council chambers.
7.6. Financial Report - The Business Committee reviewed all bills for this consent agenda. Bills unique to this month were discussed for clarification. The total amount of bills approved in the consent agenda for the month of June, 2013 by specific funds are as follows:
Meisner presented the financial report to the Board. Fund revenues and expenditures were reviewed. Peters inquired about the recently presented school finance workshops, specifically a monthly tracking report that shows balance comparisons and trends. Peters asked the Business Manager to provide that info on a regular basis. Hastings stated that he will develop financial priorities, cash reserves, long term data and future goals.
7.6.i. Trial Balance Summary
7.6.ii. Fund Balances
7.6.iii. Schedule of Investments Held
7.6.iv. Financial Statement
7.6.v. General Fund=$1,527,587.32; Depreciation Fund=$381.46; Cafeteria Fund=$43,407.91; Activities Fund=$11,677.09; Fees Fund=$300.
7.7. Student Services Report
Hubbard emailed her report to the Board ahead of time and had Megan Patterson from the high ability program on hand. Patterson said she believes the district is moving in the right direction by providing instruction time and enrichment activities after school. Hastings said the district will identify specific needs to find what works best for students and the community. The process will start with identification of truly high ability students via cognative assessments.
7.8. Superintendent's Report
More Information:
GPS Survey from the Superintendent
General Update
Hastings expressed his interest in having contact with community and staff. He is interested in identifying areas of strengths and weaknesses throughout the district and plans to send a survey to all staff, students with emails, parents and community members. Hastings feels this would be a good first step to assist him in identifying goals. Hastings thanked the central office staff for their recent assistance and stated that he is looking forward to his first year.
7.9. Board Comments
Upp expressed his appreciation to High School Principal Hubbard for opening up the High School during Oregot Trail Days so alumni could take a tour while in town for class reunions.
Doll stated that the district support of the City Band and band director Randy Raines means alot to the people of the community. Platte Valley Companies provided the band with matching shirts this year.
8. Action Items
8.1. Recommendation to Approve Changes to the 2013-2014 Elementary Student Handbook
8.2. Recommendation to Approve Changes to the 2013-2014 Jr. High Student Handbook
8.3. Designate Additional Board Member to Serve as a VALTS Representative
Because the Scottsbluff District is providing their own alternative learning program this year Gering now holds the majority of slots, therefore requiring a third representative on the VALTS Board. Currently Peters and Winn servce and Upp offered to serve as the district's third member.
8.4. Designate Dana F. Cole & Co. as District Auditors for the 2013-2014, 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 School Years
8.5. Recommendation to Approve Interlocal Agreement with City of Gering
More Information:
For usage of City of Gering Council Chambers
8.6. Recommendation to Approve the Access of this Expenditure Exclusion for Additional Budget Authority
9. Tentative Committee & Meeting Dates
The Facilities Committee Meeting was scheduled for August 8th at 4:30pm. The location is yet to be determined. The Personnel Committee Meeting was scheduled for August 7th at 4:30pm.
10. Adjournment