Minutes |
1. Call Meeting To Order:
All actions in these Minutes were by unanimous vote unless otherwise stated.
President Tanya Gray called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. |
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence In Honor Of Fallen Soldiers And Active Duty Persons:
3. Recognition:
4. Review of Board Working Agreements:
5. Public Forum:
There was nothing for public forum.
6. Approval of Agenda:
7. Consent Agenda Items:
7.A. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of June 10, 2024.
Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes of June 10, 2024.
7.B. Approve Personnel Action
Approved Personnel Action for June 24, 2024. (Attachment)
7.C. Approve Financial Reports
Approved May 2024 Financial Reports. (Attachment)
7.D. Approve the Purchases and Issuing of Accounts Payable.
Approved Accounts Payable Report. (Attachment)
7.E. Approve recommendation for SDHSAA West River At-Large Representative election ballot.
Approved recommendation of Mark Naugle as SDHSAA West River At-Large Representative.
7.F. Approve Conflict Disclosures and Waiver Authorizations Pursuant to SDCL 3-23-3
There were no conflicts disclosed as defined in SDCL 3-23.
8. Items Removed From Consent Agenda
9. Elementary and Secondary Curriculum and Instruction Items:
Elementary and Secondary Curriculum and Instruction Items:
9.A. End of Year Data Presentation.
Executive Director of Elementary Academics Ann Pettit presented the end-of-year K-5 Acadience Reading Scores. The scores for these essential skills necessary for proficient reading showed an increase to 72% this year! This success is intentional, and she reviewed historical data, the testing process, curriculum changes, staff training, and changes made by classroom teachers to accomplish it. She stated the new initiatives starting next school year to continue the work will be CHAMPS/DSC, Fundamental Five and Studer Education.
Executive Director of Secondary Academics Sandi Jimenez explained the 6-12 MAP (Measure Academic Progress) test process and results in math, reading and science. MAP is a norm-reference test and compares student scores to all students in the US. It gives a growth score which measures progress and achievement score. MAP provides individual student data, class profiles and school profiles.
Acadience data reports for grades K-5.
10. Superintendent Items:
Superintendent Items:
10.A. District Wellness Committee Update.
Communications Coordinator Jade Temple updated the School Board on the work accomplished to date by the District Wellness Committee. Led by Dr. Andy Koenigs, the committee's work is tied to the Strategic Direction Focus Area 4 - Community and Wellbeing; Strategy 1 to develop a robust mental health/wellness plan for the district that is responsive to all stakeholders. Committee members represent a mix of Certified, Classified, Administration and Board. From the feedback gathered through the Staff ThoughtExchange sent out in May, three main components for the wellness plan have been identified: Mental/Emotional, Environmental/Social, and Physical. The committee has come up with possible ways to address each wellness component. The committee is meeting throughout the summer break to develop a wellness plan draft for staff feedback and to develop a communication plan with a possible mid-fall launch.
11. Fiscal Resources Items:
12. Operational Support Services Items:
Operational Support Services Items:
12.A. Approve First Reading of Revised Policy Regulation GCLA-R, Travel Allowance.
13. Reports:
13.A. Superintendent:
13.B. Committee Reports From Board Members and Comments from Associate Board Members
Committee Reports from Board Members and Comments from Associate Board Members.
Amy McGovern commented that there is no Box Elder Chamber of Commerce meeting in June, but lots of things going on in Box Elder - Grand Re-Opening of Air & Space Museum, groundbreaking for Urgent Care, and Wednesday nights are Food Truck Nights. Tanya Gray added that she will be attending the Black Hills Special Services Cooperative Board of Directors meeting on Wednesday. Thinking of the southeastern schools which are not in a good place now with the flooding. |
14. Upcoming Calendar Events:
July 4-5 Holiday-All Buildings Closed July 15 - BOE Regular & Annual Meeting, 5:00 pm July 22-25 - Adaptive Schools Training for Staff August 8-9 - ASBSD Joint Convention, Sioux Falls August 12 - BOE Regular Meeting, 5:00 pm |
15. Executive Session
16. Action As A Result of Executive Session
17. Adjournment