Minutes |
1. Call Meeting To Order:
All actions in these Minutes were by unanimous vote unless otherwise stated.
President Tanya Gray called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. |
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence In Honor Of Fallen Soldiers And Active Duty Persons:
3. Recognition:
The Retired Enlisted Association (TREA) Auxiliary Chapter 29 American Legion Post 315 - Jim Carlson National School Counselors Week - February 5-9 South Dakota School Board Recognition Week is February 19-23. CTE Program of the Year - Jason Boeding CTE Program Recognition and Presentation - Peyton Cast, Kiernan Holmes, Taylor Irwin, Joseph Hammer, and Khi Jackson.
Superintendent Kevin Case recognized the following:
Retired Enlisted Association (TREA) Auxiliary Chapter 29 and American Legion Post 315 for their generous donations to pay off student school lunch debts. According to Food Service Coordinator, Jennifer Garner, it helped 238 students bring their balance to zero and the remaining went into the Angel Fund to meet future students' needs. Douglas school counselors during National School Counselors Week last week (Feburary 5-9). Douglas School Board for South Dakota School Board Recognition Week next week (February 19-23). Superintendent Case thanked each member for their time and efforts. High School CTE Teacher Jason Boeding for receiving the Career and Technical Education Award of the Year at the South Dakota Technology Education Association Conference. Khi Jackson, DHS Junior, for winning a $26,000 WDT scholarship at the recent welding competition. Joe Hammer, DHS Senior, for winning 1st place in the welding competition and receiving a welder, helmet and bag. The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Tech Club students showcased their skills in woods, welding and robotics, participation in SkillsUSA and preparation for the workplace. They do amazing things and do them well. |
4. Review of Board Working Agreements:
5. Public Forum:
There was nothing for public forum.
6. Approval of Agenda:
7. Consent Agenda Items:
7.A. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes for January 22, 2024.
Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes of January 22, 2024.
7.B. Approve the Purchases and Issuing of Accounts Payable and Payroll
Approved Accounts Payable Reports for January 31 and February 15, 2024 and January Payroll Report. (Attachments)
7.C. Acknowledge receipt of letter from the Douglas Education Association indicating the desire to enter into negotiations for the 2024-25 school year.
Acknowledged receipt of letter from the Douglas Education Association indicating the desire to enter into negotiations for the 2024-25 school year.
7.D. Approve Conflict Disclosures and Waiver Authorizations Pursuant to SDCL 3-23-3
There were no conflicts disclosed as defined in SDCL 3-23.
8. Items Removed From Consent Agenda
8.A. Approve Personnel Action
9. Elementary and Secondary Curriculum and Instruction Items:
10. Superintendent Items:
Superintendent Items:
10.A. Approve open enrollment application under the Emergency Clause of Board Policy JECB - Open Enrollment.
10.B. Legislative Update on HB 1206 and SB 204.
Superintendent Kevin Case and Business Manager Trista Olney reported on HB 1206 and SB 204 introduced in the South Dakota Legislature last week. They have been advanced out of their respective education committees and sent to Joint Appropriations. Both bills are to obtain $15 million in State funding towards the proposed $60 million elementary building project. The District traditionally has received special funding appropriations from the State and Federal government to fund building construction. Douglas is the "uniquest" of the unique. The District is funded differently due to Ellsworth Air Force Base and receives Impact Aid funds to bridge the gap due to the loss of real estate property taxes, but that does not make up for the difference in tax valuations and the ability to bond. Area legislators and many others have done an amazing job of supporting Douglas in its efforts to prepare for the influx of students due to the new mission at the Base and community growth.
11. Fiscal Resources Items:
12. Operational Support Services Items:
Operational Support Services:
12.A. Approve the Disposal of One (1) District Bus as Salvage.
12.B. Approve REVISED Job Description for Executive Director of Operational Support Services.
12.C. Approve NEW Title VI Educator Job Description.
12.D. Approve SECOND READING of Board Policy Exhibit JGD-E(1), Notice of Hearing for Long-Term Suspension/Expulsion.
12.E. Approve SECOND READING of REVISED Policies Section J, JHCC-JHCD-E.
Revised Policy Exhibit JGD-E(1) - Notice of Hearing for Long-Term Suspension/Expulsion
Revised Board Policy JHCC - Student Communicable Conditions Revised Policy Regulation JHCC-R - Student Communicable Conditions Regulations for Handling Body Fluids/ Contaminants in School Revised Board Policy JHCD - Administering Medications to Students Revised Policy Exhibit JHCD-E - Consent for Medication Administration Form |
12.F. Approve FIRST READING of REVISED Policy IKFA, IKFA-E, Early Graduation.
12.G. Approve FIRST READING of REVIEWED and REVISED policies Section K, KA-KK.
Revise Board Policy IKFA - Early Graduation
Delete Policy Exhibit IKFA-E - Application for Early Graduation Review Board Policy KA - School and Community Relations Goals Review Board Policy KB - School and Community Relations Review Board Policy KBA - Public's Right to Know Revise Board Policy KBC - News Media Relations Revise Board Policy KBCA - News Releases Review Board Policy KC - Parental Involvement in Decision Making Revise Board Policy KG - Community Use of School Facilities Delete Policy Exhibit KG-E - Building Use Application Revise Board Policy KGB - Public Conduct on School Property Revise Board Policy KGC - Smoking, Vaping & Tobacco Use on School Grounds/ In School Facilities Revise Board Policy KH - Public Gifts and Memorials to Schools Revise Board Policy KI - Public Solicitations, Bingo & Lotteries, & Advertising in the Schools Review Board Policy KJ - Posting of National Motto Revise Board Policy KK - Visitors to the Schools |
Hear Informational Reading of Reviewed and Revised Board Policies, Section K: KL-KMB as follows: Review Policy KL - Complaint Against School Employee Revise Policy Resolution KL-R - Complaint Procedure Review Policy Exhibits KL-E(1-3) - Complaint Report and Appeal Forms Review Policy KLA - Public Complaints Revise Policy KLB - Public Complaints about the Curriculum or Instructional Materials Review Policy Exhibit KLB-E - Citizen's Request for Reconsideration of Educational/Library Materials Revise Policy KLC - Public Complaints about Library Materials Revise Policy KLD - Public Complaints for Federal Programs Review Policy KMA - Relations with Parent Organizations Review Policy KMB - Title 1 Parent Involvement |
13. Reports:
13.A. Superintendent:
Superintendent Kevin Case reported that interviews for the position of Executive Director of Operational Support Services will be conducted this week.
13.B. Committee Reports From Board Members and Comments from Associate Board Members
Committee Reports from Board Members and Comments from Associate Board Members:
Tonya Welch stated the Booster Club is working on donations for post prom, and keeping Facebook updated with the different activities. The next meeting is March 4 at 6:00 p.m. Ben Frerichs commented on attending some of the Classified Listening Sessions. Amy McGovern attended the Box Elder Area Chamber of Commerce meeting. The Children's Museum fundraiser drive and Chamber of Commerce promotionals are from donated HomeSlice advertising. Jo Anne Mulholland appreciates the school support for the military community. She expressed a special thanks to Badger Clark for the recent valentines for the younger airmen. Tanya Gray commented on the CTE student presentation and the good discussion from the Classified Listening Sessions. Superintendent Case added that we learned some things we didn't know and some things are already fixed. |
14. Upcoming Calendar Events:
February 13 & 15 - Parent/Teacher Conferences February 16 - No School, Conference Comp Day February 19 - No School, Holiday February 26 - BOE Meeting, 5:00 pm |
15. Executive Session for Negotiations according to SDCL 1-25-2.4.
16. Executive Session to conduct Superintendent's Evaluation according to SDCL 1-25-2.1.
President Gray called the Board out of executive session at 6:27 p.m.
No action taken. |
17. Action As A Result of Executive Session
President Gray called the board out of executive session at 7:10 p.m.
18. Adjournment