Minutes |
1. Call Meeting To Order:
All actions in these Minutes were by unanimous vote unless otherwise stated.
President Melendez called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. |
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence In Honor Of Fallen Soldiers And Active Duty Persons:
3. Recognition:
4. Public Forum:
There was nothing for Public Forum
5. Approval of Agenda:
6. Consent Agenda Items:
6.A. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of November 8, 2021
Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes of November 8, 2021.
6.B. Approve Personnel Action
Approved Personnel Action for November 22, 2021. (Attachment)
6.C. Approve Financial Reports
Approved Financial Reports for October 31, 2021. (Attachment)
6.D. Approve the Purchases and Issuing of Accounts Payable
Approved Accounts Payable Report for November 30, 2021. (Attachment)
6.E. Approve Overnight / Out-of-State High School Trip Requests
Approved overnight / out-of-state high school trip requests.
6.F. Approve Conflict Disclosures and Waiver Authorizations Pursuant to SDCL 3-23-3
There were no conflicts disclosed as defined in SDCL 3-23.
7. Items Removed From Consent Agenda
8. Elementary and Secondary Curriculum and Instruction Items:
Elementary and Secondary Curriculum and Instruction Items:
8.A. Elementary Building Visits Report
Ann Pettit, Executive Director of Elementary Academics, reported that she and a group of five elementary teachers toured some elementary buildings in Sioux Falls, ranging from traditional to fully collaborative settings. It's an invaluable experience to actually see what other districts are doing in the classrooms. She, Kit Viet and Kevin Case recently finished the four-day Adaptive Schools Foundations training in Golden, Colorado. It's how we build the environment, space, organization and groups at all levels to be high performance groups supporting collaboration. Kit Veit, Executive Director of Secondary Academics, added the plan is to move forward with Adaptive Schools training for our Douglas staff. A team will attend a spring training session in Colorado, and then the critical mass training will be in-district this summer.
8.B. Bridging Organization Learning & Design (BOLD) Services Report
8.C. Approve sixteen (16) high school students for early graduation (graduating in fewer than eight semesters), pending successful completion of all required classes and credits.
9. Superintendent Items:
Superintendent Items:
9.A. Approve the design development of The New Douglas High School as presented on November 8, 2021 and authorize COOP Architects and DLR Group to proceed with the Construction Document (CD) phase of the contract.
9.B. Approve the design contract with COOP Architects and DLR Group for Elementary School #1.
9.C. Approve Student Assignment Requests as recommended to attend Douglas School District for the 2021-22 school year.
9.D. Appoint one or more board members to ASBSD's Legislative Action Network (LAN).
10. Fiscal Resources Items:
11. Operational Support Services Items:
Operational Support Services Items:
11.A. Approve revised Buildings and Grounds Coordinator job description
Changes to the current description are summarized as follows:
11.B. Approve Sanford Occupational Medicine Random Drug and Alcohol Pool Program Agreement
11.C. Hear First Reading of New School Board Policies:
JECG - Education of Children in Foster Care JFGA - Law Enforcement and Department of Social Services Student Interview Policy |
12. Reports:
12.A. Superintendent:
12.B. Committee Reports From Board Members and Comments from Associate Board Members
Committee Reports from Board Members and Comments from Associate Board Members
Vaira commented on starting Monday mornings with the sound of freedom--B1s taking off at 5:00 a.m. He added there will be some deployments back and out at holiday time. McGovern stated Booster Club meets tonight at 6:30 p.m. Frerichs attended the ASBSD Delegate Assembly on Friday in Pierre for the first time. It was a good experience. He encourages all to support Tanya Gray on the ASBSD Western Region board of directors. Gray explained that Associated School Boards of South Dakota (ASBSD) is trying to get more member engagement using zoom, Wednesday with Wade sessions, and trainings. Region Directors will be hosting a zoom call with all board presidents and vice-presidents in the region to meet each other and discuss common issues. She will be hosting the first one on November 28. Also, the Black Hills Special Services Cooperative Board of Directors meeting is tomorrow night by conference call due to the Thanksgiving holiday this week. Melendez said there will not be a Box Elder Area Chamber of Commerce meeting this month, and they will meet earlier in December. She attended the high school play--as always, our kids are amazing. Every morning she watches the kids get on the school bus in front of her house. It starts her day off right. We have so much to be grateful for--Happy Thanksgiving! |
13. Upcoming Calendar Events:
November 24 2 Hr Early Release November 25-26 Thanksgiving Break December 13 BOE Meeting
Upcoming Calendar Events:
November 24 2 Hr Early Release November 25-26 Thanksgiving Break December 13 BOE Meeting |
14. Executive Session for personnel according to SDCL 1-25-2.1
15. Action As A Result of Executive Session
President Melendez called the Board out of executive session at 6:19 p.m.
16. Adjournment