Minutes |
1. Call Meeting To Order:
All actions in these Minutes were by unanimous vote unless otherwise stated.
President Melendez called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. |
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence In Honor Of Fallen Soldiers And Active Duty Persons:
3. Recognition: Retirements
Be it resolved that the Douglas School Board hereby recognizes and commends the following staff members on the occasion of their retirement. Their many years of dedication and service to the Douglas School District have benefited countless staff and students. The Board wishes them success and happiness in the future. Karen Faas 21 years Ronald Mincks 7.5 years
Superintendent Kevin Case welcomed Corinna Carlson, who is running technology for the meeting tonight, and Katy Urban, the new communications coordinator. He also thanked the custodial/maintenance staff for their work clearing the snow after the recent storm. The school board recognized first semester retirees: Karen Faas, Food Service Coordinator, and Ron Mincks, Buildings & Grounds Coordinator. Be it resolved that the Douglas School Board hereby recognizes and commends the following staff members on the occasion of their retirement. Their many years of dedication and service to the Douglas School District have benefited countless staff and students. The Board wishes them success and happiness in the future. Karen Faas 21 years Ronald Mincks 7.5 years |
4. Public Forum:
During Public Forum, Dan Mulally of 6390 Longview Road addressed the Board on Pennington County TIF #6, Apple Valley subdivision.
5. Approval of Agenda:
6. Consent Agenda Items:
6.A. Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of November 22, 2021
Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes of November 22, 2021.
6.B. Approve Personnel Action.
Approved Personnel Action for November 22, 2021. (Attachment)
6.C. Approve the Purchases and Issuing of Accounts Payable and Payroll
Approved Accounts Payable and Payroll Reports. (Attachments)
6.D. Approve Declaring Library Books as Surplus (surplus for sale or discard)
Approved declaring library books as surplus (surplus for sale or discard).
6.E. Approve Conflict Disclosures and Waiver Authorizations Pursuant to SDCL 3-23-3
There were no conflicts disclosed as defined in SDCL 3-23.
7. Items Removed From Consent Agenda
8. Hear Report and Acknowledge Receipt of FY 2021 Audit Report conducted by Ketel Thorstenson, LLP
9. Elementary and Secondary Curriculum and Instruction Items:
9.A. Academic Calendar Review for School Years 2022-23 and 2023-24
Elementary and Secondary Curriculum and Instruction Items:
Ann Pettit, Executive Director of Elementary Academics, presented a draft of the 2022-23 and 2023-24 academic calendars for board review. She explained the process using Thought Exchange. The three top-rated thoughts were: holiday breaks and travel; begin after the rally; and end before Memorial Day. Following that input and ending the semester at winter break does not allow much flexibility. Ed Council members will be bringing staff input to the committee meeting tomorrow. The calendars will then be finalized and brought to the Board for approval in January. |
10. Superintendent Items:
10.A. Approve Makeup Day for Snow Day on December 10, 2021
Superintendent Items:
10.B. Approve Student Assignment Requests as recommended to attend Douglas School District for the 2021-22 school year.
11. Fiscal Resources Items:
12. Operational Support Services Items:
12.A. Approve Bid Item #372
Operational Support Services Items:
12.B. Hear First Reading of New School Board Policies:
DIBGA - Custodial Funds JHCDE - Administration of Medical Cannabis to Qualifying Students JHCDE-E - Medical Cannabis Administration Plan |
12.C. Hear Second Reading and Approve New Board Policies:
JECG - Education of Children in Foster Care JFGA - Law Enforcement and Department of Social Services Student Interview Policy |
13. Reports:
13.A. Superintendent:
13.A.1. The New DHS Funding Source Updates
Superintendent Kevin Case reported he and Business Manager Trista Olney are continuing to explore funding sources for the new high school project. They are working on a summary document to bring to the Board. |
13.A.2. Elementary Building #1 Next Steps
Superintendent Case discussed the next steps in the elementary building design process. The Elementary Building Committee meeting last week was well attended. The feedback given by members indicated the need to answer the "why" questions for district staff and stakeholders. He will meet with building staff on the January 6-7 PD days to talk about growth, funding, and vision.
13.B. Committee Reports From Board Members and Comments from Associate Board Members
Committee Reports from Board Members and Comments from Associate Board Members.
Vaira expressed a huge thank you for the holiday cards made by the students. They are used in care packages and much appreciated by the airmen. The base also welcomed back a group of airmen last week. McGovern reported the Booster Club is sponsoring a sweet treats bake sale at the basketball double header this Friday. There is a Booster Club meeting tonight and then on January 24. Frerichs attended the Audit Committee meeting today and reviewed the complete report prepared by Ketel Thorstenson on the annual audit. It's good to know that we are doing things right. Gray stated the Black Hills Special Services Cooperative meeting is this Friday in Spearfish. The next ASBSD zoom meeting for board members will be December 19. It's a good time to interact with other board members on topics concerning school boards across the state. Also there is an ASBSD scheduled webinar tomorrow hosted by Jennifer Frank on medical marijuana. She will also be attending the upcoming LAN (Legislative Action Network) webinair. Misselt also attended the Audit Committee today. He appreciated the additional discussion on anticipated growth. Melendez attended the Box Elder Area Chamber of Commerce meeting last week. They will be holding elections in February. She also attended the Elementary Building Committee last week as they kicked off the new elementary building design. |
14. Upcoming Calendar Events:
December 23 - January 5 Winter Break January 6-7 Staff PD January 10 Students Return to School BOE Meeting |
15. Adjournment