February 10, 2025 at 7:00 AM - Waynoka Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
Determination of quorum and call to order
Statement of Open Meeting Law
Roll call of members
All of the following items will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items:
Minutes of previous meeting(s)
General Fund Report
Building Fund Report
Activity Fund Report
Bond Fund #31 Report
Bond Fund #32 Report
Bond Fund #33 Report
General Fund Encumbrances
Building Fund Encumbrances
Bond Fund #31 Encumbrances
Bond Fund #32 Encumbrances
Bond Fund #33 Encumbrances
Change Orders
Other Reports
Principal Reports
Superintendent Report
Vote to approve or not to approve to amend and or adopt Board Policies
DAA-E3 Americans with Disabilities Act Grievance Form
DAA-P2 ADA Grievance Procedure
EHBCA Extended School Year Services
EHBCA-R Extended School Year Program Standards (Regulations)
FL-R Compliance with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Regulation)
FOC Detention
FOD Suspension of Students
FO-R4 Student Discipline Threatening Behavior (Regulation)
Vote to approve or not to approve the renewal of Employee Evaluation Systems, Inc. for OKTLE and McRel for the 2025-2026 school year
Discussion and possible action to give Scott Cline, Superintendent, authority to negotiate a settlement with OSMRT on behalf of the Waynoka Board of Education
Discussion and possible action to purchase a new suburban
Discussion and possible action to purchase a new PA system for the track using TIPS Purchasing Cooperative
New Business
Vote to adjourn