November 11, 2019 at 7:30 PM - Loup City Public Schools Board of Education Regular Session
Minutes | ||
Call Meeting To Order:
Pledge of Allegiance
Jamie and Ron
Announce Open Meetings Act - Posted in Meeting Room
Publication of Meeting
Approval of Agenda:
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Consent Agenda:
Reading and Approval of Minutes for October 14, 2019
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Financial Report:
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Jason Bott
K-12 PE Teacher Equipment Freshman Health and PE |
Meet the Teacher - Jason Bott
Mr Bott shared his curriculum and his philosophy that kids should be taught many different activities and be allowed to try new things. He shared some equipment needs and some plans for the students.
Report by the Auditors from KSO
Brooke Miller from KSO presented the audit for the 2018 fiscal year. She highlighted that the amount of cash on hand is lower and that the audit went very smoothly. She recommends that the general fund be reimbursed for workers from the activity fund. She also emphasized that items purchased without an approved purchase order or itemized receipts should not be reimbursed. She shared that expenditures were lower in 2018-19 than the previous year.
Hearing of the Audience: (15 minutes)
Cheri Kowalski shared her concerns and questions about construction and lease options, whether the construction process has begun and its use to the community. Amy Hostetler
shared information about the Parade of Plays, the concerns about the speaker system in the theater and asked the plaques being completed for Parade of Plays for 2019. She asked to have the policy on the Wall of Fame addressed by the policy committee. Clara Stobbe asked the board if the new building would improve test scores and what the plan is for the building when the economy goes down and the town loses students. |
Discussion Items:
Presentation by Community Members - Tina Treffer, Kelli Loos, Rosie Wilson (15 minutes)
Tina Treffer, Rosie Wilson and Trent Loos spoke to the audience about there concerns about the facility planning process.
Action Items:
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to accept the FY 2018 Audit
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Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve the review and revisions of the following policies:
501 Objectives for Equal Educational Opportunities for Students 502 Student Admissions 502.01 Resident Students 502.02 Nonresident Students 502.03 Entrance - Admissions 502.05 Student Transfers In 502.06 Student Transfers Out or Withdrawals 502.07 Student Re-entry to School 502.08 Exchange and Foreign Student Admissions 502.10 Assignment of New Students to Classes and Grade Levels 502.11 Assignment of Continuing Students to Class 503 Student Attendance 503.01 Compulsory Attendance 503.01E1 Home School Affidavit 503.02 Student Attendance Records 503.03 Student Absences - Excused 503.04 Excessive Absenteeism 503.05 Student Release During School Hours 503.07 Pregnant Students 503.08 Married Students or Students with Children 503.09 Homeless Children and Youth 504 Student Rights and Responsibilities 504.01 Student Due Process Rights 504.03 Student Conduct 504.04 Student Conduct on School Buses 504.06 Student Appearance 504.07 Care of School Property and Vandalism 504.08 Freedom of Expression 504.09 Student Lockers 504.11 Weapons 504.12 Regulated Devices - Beepers, Cell Phones, and Laser Pointers 504.14 Hazing, Initiations, Secret Societies or Gang Activity 504.15 Smoking, Drinking, or Drugs 504.16 Searches, Seizures and Arrests 504.17 Questioning of Students by Outside Agencies 504.18 Harassment by Students 504.18R1 Harassment by Students Investigation Procedures 504.18E1 Harassment Complaint Form 504.18E2 Witness Disclosure Form 504.19 Student Fees 504.19R1 Student Fees Appendix 1 504.19E1 Student Fees Waiver Form 504.20 Bullying Prevention 504.21 Dating Violence Prevention 504.22 Student Use of Social Networks 504.23 Suicide Awareness 505 Student Discipline 505.01 Detention of Students 505.03 Suspension of Students 505.04 Expulsion of Students 505.06 Corporal Punishment 505.07 Restraint and Seclusion 506 Student Activities 506.01 Student Activity Eligibility 506.01R1 Grounds for Suspension from Student Activities 506.02 Student Organizations 506.06 Student Publications 506.08 Student Fund Raising 506.09 Student Activities Funds 506.11 Adding Student Extracurricular Activities 507 Student Records 507.01 Student Records Access 507.02 Student Directory Information 507.02E1 Waiver of Directory Information 507.04 Student Library Circulation Records 508 Student Health and Well-Being 508.01 Student Health and Immunization Checkups 508.01E1 School Vision Evaluation Form 508.01E2 Resource List for Low-Income Families Who May Qualify For Free or Reduced Cost Vision Evaluations 508.01E3 Parent Objection to Physical Examination or Vision Evaluation 508.01E4 School Immunization Rules 508.02 Administration of Medication to Students 508.03 Communicable or Infectious Diseases 508.03R1 Communicable or Infectious Disease Procedures 508.03R2 Standard Hygiene and Sanitation Procedures 508.04 Student Illness or Injury at School 508.05 Emergency Plans and Drills 508.07 Custody and Parental Rights 508.11 Defibrillators 508.12 Asthma and Allergic Reaction Protocol 508.12R1 Asthma and Allergic Reaction Protocol 508.12E1 Waiver of Emergency Response to Life-Threatening Asthma or Systemic Allergic Reactions Protocol 508.13 Wellness and Nutrition 508.15 Concussion Awareness 508.16 Return From Pediatric Cancer 509 Other Student Related Matters 509.01 Class or Student Group Gifts 509.02 Open Night 509.03 Student and Staff Memorials 509.50 Wall of Fame 509.51 School Colors
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The following policies had small changes: 502.08, 504.15, 506.09, 509.03 in addition to the review of the policy committee for the remainder of the 500's policies. 509.50 will be looked at by the policy committee.
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve the review and revisions to the following policies:
701 Fiscal Management Goals 702 Annual Budget 702.01 Fiscal Year 702.02 Budget Planning, Preparation and Schedules 702.03 Budget Adoption Process 703 Management of Capital Reserves 704 Accounting System 704.01 Deposits and Transfers 704.02 Financial Records 704.03 Inventories 704.04 Audits 704.04E1 Prevention of Improper Use of Taxpayer Funds 704.05 Settlement of Claims 704.06 NCLB and Federal Grants 705 Revenue 705.03 Free Admissions Passes 705.04 Gifts, Grants and Bequests 706 Expenditure 706.01 Purchasing Procedures 706.03 Bidding Procedures 706.04 Vendor Relations 706.06 Payment for Goods and Services 706.07 Suspension and Debarment 707 Payroll 707.01 Payroll Procedures 707.02 Salary Deductions
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The following policies had small changes 704.05 and 705.03 in addition to the review of all other 700's policies.
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve the review and revisions of the following policies:
801 Transportation 801.01 Student Transportation 801.02 Special Education Student Transportation 801.03 Bus Scheduling and Routing 801.04 Bus Safety Program 801.04R1 Safe Pupil Transportation Play 801.04E1 Driver Certification 801.05 Bus Driver Supervision 801.05R1 Safe Driving Record Standard For Drivers 801.06 Student Transportation for Extracurricular Activities 801.07 Summer Program Transportation Service 801.08 Transportation of Nonresident and Nonpublic School Students 801.09 Transportation of Nonschool Groups 801.10 Transportation in Inclement Weather 801.12 Student Transportation in Private Vehicles 802 School Food Services 802.01 School Food Program 802.04 Food Service Records and Reports 802.05 Free or Reduced Cost Meals Eligibility 802.07 School Food Procurement 804 Data Management 804.01 Computer and Data Security 804.01R1 Procedures for Breech of Computerized Personal Information 804.02 Records Management and Disposition 805 Risk Management 805.01 Insurance
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801.06 had some small changes and the other policies in the 800's were reviewed.
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to select a delegate to the NASB Delegate Assembly.
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Wayne Klein
Leadership Reports:
School Board Committees
The Marquee committee is seeking options for paying a majority of the project and additional bids are being requested.
The Negotiations with teachers is under way now that insurance rates are out with a rise in rates of 6.79% The coop meeting will be scheduled once football is over. The board will be at State Convention November 20-22 and there are several sessions of timely topics. |
Elementary Principal Report
Mr. Reikofski shared about trips to the Pumpkin Patch, testing, and upcoming initiatives.
High School Principal Report
Mr. Asche share student accomplishments, testing and upcoming initiatives.
Superintendent's Report
Achievement Data for the 2018-2019 School Year
Superintendent Evaluation Procedure
Future Meetings/Reminders:
Executive Session:
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