February 10, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Harrah Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
Call to Order/Roll Call to Establish a Quorum
Others Present: Paul Blessington, Superintendent, and Leslie Hobaugh, Minutes Clerk
Visitors Present: David Harrell, Craig Yadon, John Martin, Troy, Meagan and Jolie Marshall, Shawna Keene, Guy Worth, Susie Terrell, Mike McAfee and Bobby Russell. Others may have been present but did not sign the register or the signatures were unreadable. |
Principal/Director Reports
Consent Agenda
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Minutes of the January 13, 2025 Regular Board Meeting
General Fund #502 to #525, payroll #50293 to #50294, change orders and financial summary
Child Nutrition Fund #22 to #25, change orders and financial summary
Activity Fund Summary Report
Treasurer's Report
Monthly Comparison Report
Superintendent's Report/Announcements
Student Enrollment
The student enrollment as of February 1, 2025, was 2,072 students. This is one more student than the same time last year.
Board Member Points Update - Required to inform board members in February and August each year
LDG/Timberlake Update
Timberlake Construction/LDG shared photos of the Virgima Smith Elementary and Clara Reynolds Elementary projects. Virginia Smith is all interior work, rearranging and adding a secure entrance. At Clara Reynolds, they are adding a secure entrance and a new library area. A special meeting will be held on March 31st to award the bids for these projects. Bids will also be awarded on other projects in April and June.
Items to be Considered by the Board
Discuss and take possible action on the Proposed 2025-2026 School Calendar.
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Allison Brown, Federal Program Director, formed a committee of teachers, from each site, and parents to discuss the calendar. The committee met and submitted the proposed school calendar for approval. The first day of school is August 14th and the last day of school is May 21, 2026. The only major difference from last year's calendar is two teacher work days were added/swapped for two instructional days.
Discuss and take possible action on the mowing and grounds maintenance for 2025.
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Discuss and take possible action on the revision of Policy FOD - Suspension of Students and FOD-R - Suspension of Students Regulation
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Vote to convene or not to convene into executive session pursuant to 25 O.S. Section 307 (B)(1) to discuss re-hiring administrators for the 2025-2026 school year and the employment of an extra duty assignment and substitutes listed on Exhibit A and B.
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Acknowledge return to open session. Executive session compliance statement.
Discuss and take possible action to re-hire administrators for the 2025-2026 school year as listed on Exhibit A.
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Discuss and take possible action to employ extra duty assignments and substitutes for the 2024-2025 school year as listed on Exhibit B.
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New Business (Items not known at the time of Agenda preparation.)
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Mr. Blessington introduced a new agenda item that was not known at the time of posting. He is proposing that the board adopt the Teacher Empowerment Program through OSDE and interface it with our Teacher of the Year awards. There would be different award amounts for site winners and the district winner. Teachers would be awarded a salary increase and would have to add additional days to their contract to receive these funds.
The Board will vote to adjourn.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.