February 3, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Beatrice Regular City Council Meeting
Minutes | ||
3.a. Approve agenda as submitted.
3.b. Receive and place on file all notices pertaining to this meeting.
3.c. Receive and place on file all materials having any bearing on this meeting.
3.d. Approval of minutes of regular meeting on January 20, 2025, as on file in the City Clerk’s Office.
3.e. Approval of minutes of work session meeting on January 20, 2025, as on file in the City Clerk’s Office.
3.f. Approval of minutes of special meeting on January 29, 2025, as on file in the City Clerk’s Office.
3.g. Approval of Treasurer's Report of Claims in the amount of $236,811.32.
3.h. Approval of BASWA Report of Claims in the amount of $4,435.99.
3.i. Resolution Number 7498 executing the Second Amendment to the Farm Lease between the City and Jared Bauman to amend said Farm Lease to reflect the reduced number of acres and amount of rent owed for Parcel A.
3.j. Resolution Number 7499 executing Task Order #002 and any and all other documents necessary between the City and Speece Lewis, a Bowman Company, for engineering services related to conducting bridge inspections for the bridges located within the City for the 2025-2026 annual bridge inspections.
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4.a. Public Hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning of real property legally described as: Lots Three (3) and Four (4), Block Five (5), Glenover, an Addition to the City of Beatrice, Gage County, Nebraska, commonly known as 1705 Woodland Avenue, Beatrice, NE 68310, Parcel No. 011652000, from “R-3” Urban Family Residential District to “R-4” Multiple-Family Residential District.
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TT - application 1705 rezone r3 to r4 intention to build 4plex. P&Z recommended tonight.
TR - case law large AG area, rezoned to C for Walmart, adjacent challenged, district court denied, appealed court states: spot zoning "singling out small parcel classified differently, primarily for owner," state further validity determined on more than size" rezone/spot sone arbitrary & main elements "quick & hasty decision without evidence or logical" 3 items: 1 small parcel singled out for special treatment, not in public interest, not in accord with comp plan" R3 & R4 definitions reference each other. "definition of R3 & R4" single family/multi family. comp plan need additional housing, rating 1-5 5 high score. essentially r4 next to r4, 4 - basically same use, r3 r4; past first prong, reference each other; singling out - comp plan identified housing need in 2001, as well as other housing studies, rental & housing. city has market reason to ; not in accord - is well within comp plan, one last point look at comp plan map - proposed single family residential, today is all zoned as r3, comp plan so old said "vacant in glenover, push for manufactured homes & mobile homes, here to rezone r3 to r4 for proposed 4plex, P&Z concerns with Dana - whether or not illegal spot zone, believe it is spot zone, do we want to continue to set the presedense. think 4plex appropriate but don't like idea of rezone that area. 4plexes allowed in R3 in lincoln, should our oridnnace be changed, so is ok to have 4plex by right...not need to rezone. could allow special use permits for higher density, can't do at this time, however, it would allow P&Z Then they will review. suggest rather than just that parcel be rezoned, if better to rezone a few blocks in the area. near commercial zone, higher density, r4 would be on edge of area. McLain - comments? TR - no comments/calls from neighbors. density here less than 1 block west, have no less than 10 duplexes, pretty dense. currently look at zoning map, shades lightest green several islands sourroudned by r3 or r2 or r1. number of islands mixed density residential uses. Ruh - all in favor of building 4plex, need to look at changing r3 to include 4plexes, would solve problems. builder said he will build, however, if something happens & property is sold, new owner could change plan. if we do postpone, how quickly could we bring this back. TT - most likely 3/3 mtg. Ruh - don't want to stop progress, but think postpone to allow 4plexes in r3. GB - not our business what he will do, is it legal or not? TR - yes, legal spot zone. GB - why postpone something that is legal & can be done? Ruh - not dragging out GB - don't know what prices are going to do. expect him to wait. need to move stuff along, we wait too long Mike - if put 4 Plex, through whole city, do we want them everywhere something to consider, would rather see smaller spot & not city wide Ted - agree with mike, know Lincoln does it, lower density here than lincoln. dont' have issue to change this block or 2 blocks, not like SUP, problem arises, they have to turn someone away, even if complexity is differnet. delve away from SUP. this is ok cuz it's an allowable spot zone. if detriment, this is not, actually makes more prosperous. don't disagree, but stay away from SUP, don't delay, need to have we are ready for anyone to come here & do business. suggest down the road change this & other block. Dana - if someone else comes with SUP will open up & have others come to us & want a 4plex at another place. most think he can build whatever he wants if changed to R4, so if he can build a 10 unit bldg there he would be allowed to not necessary wrong for that area, but do think picking out one spot is a bad idea. Terry - in favor of doing both. want to analyze we need to talk about a larger area, there are many nice houses, take our time. don't want to stand in front tonigth Gary - agree need to make changes, but don't stop forward progress tonight. |
5.a. Resolution Number 7500 executing the Agreement for Professional Services retaining JEO to update the City’s ADA Transition Plan.
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TT - ADA written in 1995, outdated, applied for SS4A grant $________, update ADA transition plan, retained JEO for their services, $132,940, same percentage for grant. look at all city buildings public is allowed to go & block away, curb ramps, parking stalls, etc. McLain - parks? TT - some yes, Hannibal, Chautauqua - playgrounds & restrooms.
5.b. Resolution Number 7501 entering into an Agreement between the City and Main Street Beatrice, Inc., to provide funding to Main Street Beatrice, Inc., as authorized by Neb. Rev. Sat. §13-315.
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main street funding agreement 10/24 to 9/30 $40,000 same funding, $10,000 per quarter, different benchmarks required last year. settle up at end, have to have so many meetings, workshops, website, community events, if not, will settle up. still have to meet & helps with their budgeting.
6.a. Ordinance amending the Zoning Map for the City of Beatrice, Nebraska by changing the zoning of Parcel No. 011652000, commonly known as 1705 Woodland Avenue, Beatrice, NE 68310, from “R-3” Urban Family Residential District to “R-4” Multiple-Family Residential District.
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no one appeared
thank Kelly for investing in community |
8.a. NGage Quarterly Report.
Rachel & Sam Nixon - working on beatrice for awhile, long way to go, generally speaking with what community has expressed open arms, lots of patience & gratitude, allowed to come to communtiy. thank for support. #1 JJ in strong week, came close to breaking record in sales, broke some of his 6 restaurants. what has found in beatrice, if you find right type of business that suits community, that entrepreneur can be embraced welcome & be successful. still leasing out south bay couple possible interests
McLain - tank for investing. NIxon - 30 on staff, 3 brought into community. Terry - welcome & enjoyed working with appreciate everything Sam - lynn's son pat on back for investing - big success, will pass along restaurant Dave - comment no problem finding right people, very impressed Sam - team thanks as well. more opportunity for their great group of core great community. other franchisee very impressed. Omaha - give the people what they want Rachel - go to bat for, working with entrepreneurs to make sure deal gets done. so proud of our community for rolling out welcome mat, exciting numbers summary - Oct - Dec 2024; Board discussed looking at additional land throughout county. adverting for industrial sites, generating quite a few leads from out of state. working with GSLI, site selection out of Tx, has 4 potential leads, further solidifies we have need to look at additional county sites. board voted will be using Olsson to do study continuing to work on workforce development, talent pipline, connecting students/schools/businesses next big thing annual banquet - city of beatrice ECDD - sponsored by NE diplomat - about preparedness, desire to grow, etc., strategic planning, business recruitment & expansion, for reference throughout NE 37 other communities that have this designation, is something that when NGage responds to RFPs, shows we have plans to recruit in. Due March. 5 year certification timeframe, nearly 300 pages long... still working on recruitment projects - additional efforts to close & seal deal Terry - when on board, every 6 months bringing Council on board, would like to see on every 6 months. |
9.a. The next regular City Council meeting is Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. in the BPS Administration Building Board Room. There will be a work session on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in the BPS Administration Building Board Room.
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