September 14, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Policy, Communication & Advocacy Committee Meeting
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II. NEOLA Policy Updates
II.A. PO0162 - Quorum
II.B. PO0164.2 - Call and Notice - Special Meetings
II.C. PO0167.3 - Public Comment at Board Meetings
II.D. PO0172 - Legal Counsel
II.E. PO1130 - Conflict of Interest
II.F. PO1260 - Incapacity of the District Administrator
II.G. PO2260.02 - English Language Proficiency
II.H. PO2412 - Homebound Instruction Program
II.I. PO2460 - Programs for Students With Disabilities
II.J. PO2700.01 - School Performance Report
II.K. PO3215 - Use of Tobacco and Nicotine by Professional Staff
II.L. PO3230 - Conflict of Interest
II.M. PO3231 - Outside Activities of Staff
II.N. PO3362.01 - Threatening Behavior Towards Staff Members
II.O. PO4215 - Use of Tobacco and Nicotine by Support Staff
II.P. PO4230 - Conflict of Interest
II.Q. PO4231 - Outside Activities of Support Staff
II.R. PO4362.01 - Threatening Behavior Towards Staff Members
II.S. PO5111 - Eligibility of Resident-Nonresident Students
II.T. PO5200 - Attendance
II.U. PO5460 - Graduation Requirements
II.V. PO5512 - Use of Tobacco and Nicotine by Students
II.W. PO5630.01 - Use of Seclusion and Physical Restraint With Students
II.X. PO6145 - Borrowing (Delete Policy)
II.Y. PO6147 - Debt Management
II.Z. PO7230 - Gifts, Grants, and Bequests
II.AA. PO7434 - Use of Tobacco and Nicotine on School Premises
II.AB. PO8390 - Animals on District Property
II.AC. PO8395 - Student Mental Health Services
II.AD. PO8710 - Insurance
II.AE. PO8900 - Fraud