November 18, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes | |||
1. Open the Meeting
1.1. Call to Order and Roll Call
1.1.1. Consider Excusing of Absent Board Members
1.2. Recognize Posting of the Open Meetings Act
President Jones referred to the Open Meeting Laws/Act.
1.3. Approval of Agenda
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2. Consent Agenda
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2.1. Approve the minutes of previous meeting(s)
2.2. Approve the Treasurers Report
2.3. Approve the General Fund Claims
2.4. Approve Special Building Fund Claim
2.5. Approve Depreciation Fund Claim
2.6. Approve the Activity Fund Account
3. Public Comment
4. Administrator Reports
4.1. Elementary Principal Report
Mr. Shivley reported to the board he is finished with Alternative Assessment Threshold reporting. SPS is under the 1% threshold in ELA and math but not in science. Proper documentation will be submitted. Condensed MTSS teams will figure out goals. Holiday decorating in the halls will start soon.
4.2. Secondary Principal Report
Veteren's Days program went very well. A speaker came to speak to the kids about mental health. FFA went to Nationals and it went well. 6th graders are practicing with jr high basketball because of low numbers. 2nd semester scheduling has started.
4.3. Superintendent Report
State Board Conference November 20-22. Mr. Best will bring a timeline and list of projects he is recommending to upgrade the safety and security of the building. The external doors and security cameras formal bids will be opened December 2nd.
5. Discussion Items
5.1. Discuss the 2023-24 Audit
The audit came out fine. The board recieved a copy to read over for the approval at the December meeting.
5.2. Financial Literacy Report
Mr. Best and principals gave a report on the Financial Literacy Report per legislation. Elementary learns about coins and dollars. HS is required to take the personal finance class.
5.3. Superintendent Hiring TImeline and Committees
The superintendent application deadline is Sunday. Committees for interview teams were given to NASB. Dec 3 at 6:30pm go through applications and salary package. Dec 11th at 12:30pm Interview with candidates with 45 min time slots with 4 groups.
5.4. Explanation of Formal Bid Process for Doors & Cameras
Formal bid format for doors and security camera discussion. Bid opening day is December 2nd, 2024 at 3:00pm. The board is invited to attend.
6. Action Items
6.1. Discuss, Consider, and Take Any Necessary Action to Approve the Reimbursement for Additional Endorsement Exam Fees
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6.2. Discuss, Consider, and Take Any Necessary Action to Approve a Parking Lot Lighting Bid
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Mr. Best presented the board with 2 bids along with specifications of lighting maps for the parking lot.
6.3. Discuss, Consider, and Take Any Necessary Action to Approve Proposed 2024-25 Calendar Changes
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Mr. Best recommend the following calendar changes. December 17th a 2pm dismissal (wrestling tournament). April 24th 2pm dismissal and April 25th there will be no school (district music).
7. Possible Closed Session to Discuss Negotiations
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The board came out of closed session at 9:19 pm.
8. Superintendent Evaluation
The board discussed Mr. Best's evaluation.
9. Adjournment
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