July 15, 2015 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Roll Call
II. Opening Ceremony
III. Invocation
IV. Open Forum
V. Spotlight on Learning
VI. Reports
VI.A. Financial Statements/Budget Amendment
VI.B. Donations
VI.C. Construction Update
VI.D. Student Transfers for 2015-16
VI.E. Information from TEA, TASB, TASA, ESC, TREA, Attorney, Superintendent
VI.F. Teacher Appraisal Calendar for 2015-16
VI.G. Preliminary Tax Values for 2015
VI.H. Consider bids for athletics, band, fuel, milk
VI.I. Review staff development schedule
VI.J. Approve student code of conduct
VII. Consent Agenda
VII.A. Approve minutes from June 15, 2015 Regular Meeting & July 8, 2015 Called Meeting
VII.B. Accept Donations
VII.C. Approve Financial Statements & Amendments
VII.D. Approve Teacher Appraisal Calendar for 2015-16
VII.D.I. Approve Student Transfers for 2015-16 School Year
VII.E. Approve bids for athletics, band, fuel, and milk
VII.F. Approve Student Code of Conduct
VIII. Business Items
VIII.A. Consider proposal from Schneider Electric concerning 50% project design and development update
VIII.B. Consider bids from Wiley Hicks, Jr., Inc. for air conditioning in the gymnasiums.
VIII.C. Consideration and action as to the amount of employee reimbursement for health insurance.
VIII.D. Review Board Activity Calendar for 2015-16
VIII.E. Call Public Meeting in August to Discuss Budget and Proposed Tax Rate
VIII.F. Consider Cafeteria Prices for 2015-16
VIII.G. Consider Depository Contract Extension for 2015-2017
VIII.H. Consider changes to ESL endorsement policies
VIII.I. Consider Insurance bids for property casualty insurance coverage
VIII.J. Consider bids for new lighting on the football field
VIII.K. Personnel
VIII.K.I. Resignations/Retirements
IX. Superintendent Remarks
IX.A. TASB Convention - October 2-4, 2015. Who wants to be delegate and alternate?
IX.B. Region 16 Fall School Board Conference - October 21, 2015 9:00 am-3:00 pm
IX.C. Panhandle Area Association of School Boards PAASB - October 15, 21015 6:30 PM
IX.D. Other
X. Adjournment