July 30, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Workshop
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
Mike Masters called the meeting to order.
II. Academics
II.A. Magma Math Subscription; System-wide
Mr. Boyd discussed the Magma Math Subscription, a program designed to capture students’ problem-solving processes. The program enables teachers to visualize the steps students take when working through math problems, helping to identify where they make mistakes. This, in turn, allows for more targeted guidance to help students arrive at correct solutions. Before committing to the expenditure required for the program, it was suggested that a pilot phase be conducted to assess its effectiveness and determine its value for the school. |
III. Business/Finance
III.A. Monthly Financials
Brad is not present. He provided his documents in the workshop, and he will work again at the next meeting. This meeting is not live-streamed, but it is being recorded. Mr. Boyd discussed the monthly financial finances for Brad.
Discussion of TISA funds increase. All fund balances will be ready for the September board meeting. ISM Grant Fund discussed. This grant is CTE focused. Funds have to be connected to the CTE program. The board discussed the process of how the money is approved and spent. Mr. Boyd states this grant is a reimbursement grant. We have lost some title funds and this makes a difference in funding. Sales tax increase discussion from last year. |
III.B. Purchasing Orders
Continuation of purchase orders
Renewal subscriptions Staff training Raptor manages all responses; visitors enter the building. Make sure the faculty and students are safe. Textbook adoptions. Items under consent. |
III.B.1. Purchase Order 1238; A Better Way Athletics, LLC; North Chesterfield, VA; Annual Subscription; July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025; District-wide; $12,000.00; Line Item 72310399
III.B.2. Purchase Order 2458; Hapara Cordance Operations, LLC; Raleigh, NC; Web Filter Module Renewal; District-wide; $76, 964.18; Line Item 141E 72250-399
III.B.3. Purchase Order 2514; NIET; Onsite and Virtual Training; SY 24-25; David Crockett High School; $38,500.00; Line Item 141E 71100-499
III.B.4. Purchase Order 2576; Raptor Technologies; Houston, TX; Renewal; 9/1/24 - 8/31/25; District - wide; $19,034.40; Line Item 72250399
III.B.5. Purchase Order 35501; EPS Operations, LLC; Bethesda, MD; SPED Professional Development; $22,750.00; Line Item 72220-524-900
III.B.6. Purchase Order 2599; SAVAAS Learning Company, LLC; Chandler, AZ; TN Thinking Mathematically Grades 9-12; $29,058.14; Line Item 141E 71100-449
IV. Operations
IV.A. Community Eligibility Program
CEP eligible schools
Discussion-maintain the course for schools to have free lunch. We will have unpaid debts. The board will need to discuss these debt payments. Discussion about the cost of middle schools for the program. Caitlin Kite discussed the cost of RV and SS being added to the CEP program. 16,000 Washington County Schools, some need to be listed on this program. Chad Fleenor wants to move ahead with adding the other schools, with hopes the county commission will help. Timing is important. Discussion about the county commission paying for school lunches. The CEP program affects the federal money we receive. The board wants Mr. Boyd to move forward with trying to get the county commission to help pay for the other schools that won't receive free lunch from the CEP. |
IV.B. 2024-2025 Vehicle Authorization Report
Detailed report on WCDE transportation vehicles and mileage.
Dr. Adams explained why some vehicles are taken home. New route discussions Mr. Boyd will look at transportation vehicle usage.
IV.C. Items to be declared as surplus and sold on GovDeals
Dr. Adams discussed items on gov deals.
Mower bought for BCE? Is this mower being used for this?
IV.D. Updated information for purchase of 2 vans for the school nutrition department; Line Item 141E 72710-729
Discussion on vans needed to purchase for the nutrition department.
Add to the discussion item on the agenda. |
IV.E. Review of bids for the septic system repair at South Central Elementary; Line Item 72610-434-000-00012
3 bids came in for the septic repair at SC. 2 bids did not meet the bid stipulation.
Chad Fleenor asked about another company. Mr. Boyd explains the board may have to rebid the job. We could possibly reject all of those bids. Dr. Adams explains the job process. Septic System job up for discussion. Not ready to accept this bid.
IV.F. Boones Creek Complex Maintenance(No Funding Source Currently Budgeted)
Mr. Boyd will start taking invoices to the county commission for payment.
Dr. Adams discussed the cost of field projects. A lot of maintenance to baseball and softball fields. Dr. Adams presented an estimate for an outside building and gator. Ticket booths for games discussed Mr. Boyd will be going to HEW on Thursday and he will discuss these issues.
IV.G. Sound System for the stadiums at Daniel Boone High School and David Crockett High School (No Funding Source Currently Budgeted)
Ginger gave updates on DBHS and DCHS football stadiums. September 11th should be the completion date. A walk through needs to be discussed.
Keith Ervin discussed the concerns of the banks. Kids running up and down the banks. Ginger will discuss with contractors about the slope. Different solutions were discussed. Dr. Adams discussed a fence or other options. Ginger will bring drawings before the next board meeting. * Dr. Adams discussed the quotes for the sound systems at the high schools. Vince worked with athletic directors and Mr. Fullbright to work on this project. Mr. Boyd has looked at prices and this is about the same as turn key jobs. Sound systems to be put on the consent agenda. |
IV.H. MOU with Crossroads Christian Church for use of parking lot adjacent to Daniel Boone High School; Paving of parking area(No Funding Source Currently Budgeted)
Jeremy Moore received quotes for the paving job.
Mr. Boyd will be attending the public works committee tomorrow. |
IV.I. Daniel Boone High School HVAC; No Funding Source Currently Budgeted
Mr. Boyd shared this information in an email.
Dr. Adams - ESG gave a quote a few years ago. 2.1 million dollars and this was 2–3 years ago. This is a better, more energy efficient system. The old system is getting harder to repair. Put it on the educational capital plan, if possible. Can we speak with the Lewis Group? Mr. Boyd - we will have to bid anyway. Chad Fleenor - We can get a rental chiller if we need to. Mr. Boyd - we need a plan in case we have an emergency with heat. With ESG you don't have to bid out the job. Mike Masters - Can we check on rooftop systems? Mr. Boyd-We need to pay attention to the past jobs and companies we have dealt with.
IV.J. Daniel Boone High School Proposal; Funded by ISM Grant
ISM Grant Proposal
Kelli Hauldren and Josh Davis worked up a proposal with Dr. Gray to update the DBHS cafeteria. This has been submitted and approved. Mr. Boyd presented and discussed the layout. There will also be a digital area. Mr. Boyd discussed a few changes they could make. DCHS is working on a culinary arts project. These projects will make a difference in the cultural area for both schools. The projected time will be fall break. All will be approved before proceeding DBHS - will have money left after this project Culinary endorsements discussed CTE - Salaries discussed Dr. Gray will serve as principal. Mr. Boyd-media release to be discussed soon AP position discussed
IV.K. West View Elementary Playground Upgrades; Funded by County Educational Capital Fund
Dr. Adams - Quote for WV playground discussion
Logan wants to do his own demo. This will save money. $140,000.00 - cost Dr. Adams pulled up pictures to show the board. Ramp and new equipment South Central and Grandview have asked for more playground equipment. The board is OK with this cost. Dr. Adams explained the demo to the board. Mr. Boyd - West View still requests a track and an updated baseball facility.
IV.L. Jonesborough Middle School Property
Mike Masters - offer for the school is $1.3 million
Board members want to ask for more than $1.3 million Keith Ervin - Wants to get an appraisal Mike Masters - wants to ask for $1.5 million Mary Beth - I feel like it is worth more than they are offering Vince Walters - Things have changed since Jonesborough has shown interest in the property Discussion of having a "right away" Mike Masters - Renovation costs will be a lot. A demo could cost 1/2 million The Town of Jonesborough needs a grant to help purchase the property. Mr. Boyd - I would never make an offer without the board's authority Chad Fleenor - I believe an appraisal is a waste of money Keith Ervin - We have to put it out there and see what we can get. We can have them make payments up to 5 years. Several disagreements on price |
V. Student Supports
No discussions
VI. Superintendent
No discussions
VII. Adjournment
Meeting Adjourned