June 11, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
Roll Call
Open Forum
Superintendent's Report
TASB Media Honor Roll Recognitions
Enrollment - May 2015
Dates to Review
TASA/TASB Convention - Thursday, October 2-4, Austin, Texas
Legislative Update
New Business for Consideration / Action
Consent Agenda
Minutes of Regular Meeting May 14, 2015
May 2015 Payroll
May 2015 Disbursements
2015-2016 Equity Center Membership
Delegate and Alternate to the 2015 TASB Assembly
Consider school meal prices
Consideration of SRO Agreement with the City of Borger
Consider Engagement of Brown, Graham & Company as the Borger I.S.D. auditor
Consideration of 2015-2016 BISD Proposed Salary Increase
Consideration of 2015-2016 BISD Proposed Salary Schedule
Dish machines service and chemicals
Dairy products
Budget Amendments
Financial - Tax Reports
Quarterly Investment Report - Qtr. ending May 31, 2015
Financial Reports -
Discussion of Real Property
Appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal
Consider Superintendent's recommendations regarding employment.
Consider approval of Superintendent's contract and compensation
Future Agenda Items