May 12, 2009 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
Roll Call
Open Forum
Action - Administer Oath of Newly Elected Board Members
Action - Organization of School Board and Election of Officers
Action - Authorization of Signatures
Action - School Board Meeting Dates
Superintendent's Report
Student Recognition
Dates to Remember
Monthly Reports
Curriculum - Linda Rotramel
Summer Athletic Camps
BCTA Commendations and Recommendations
TASB Policy Update 85, affecting (Local) Policies ( see attached list) - 1st Reading
Local District updates affecting Local Policies - 1st Reading
DCB - (local ) Employment Practices - Term Contract
DEC - Leaves and Absences
Summer School Information
Information regarding the demolition of south campus
Construction Update
New Business for Consideration / Action
Consider Construction Manager Recommendations
Consent Agenda
Minutes of Regular Meeting April 16, 2009
April 2009 Payroll
April 2009 Disbursements
Application of Refund - Brett & Dana Newton
2009 Borger High Candidates for Graduation
Authorize Bobbie Nichols, Exec. Dir. of Sp. Programs to certify and submit the Applicant and the Consolidated Application for Federal Funding, including the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009(ARRA).
Authorize Renewal of Bank Depository Contract
Suppy and Equipment Bids for Food Service / 2009-2010
Athletic Department Bids
Budget Amendment
Financial Reports
Future Agenda Items