May 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum
2. Invocation and Pledges
3. Pre-oath Statement & Oath of Office
4. Reorganization of the Board of Trustees
5. Recognition
5.A. Employees of the Month
5.B. Campus Testing Coordinator Recognition
5.C. Superintendent's List
5.D. Teacher of the Year Recognition
6. Open Forum
7. District Reports: Campus, Athletic, Technology and CCMR Reporting
8. Superintendent Reports
9. Discussion/Approval of Items
9.A. Consider Consent Agenda
9.A.1. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting
9.A.2. Approve Financial Statements and Expenditures
9.B. Consider and discuss the newly developed 2024-2029 Memphis ISD Strategic Plan
9.C. Consider and adopt the New Memphis ISD Vision
9.D. Consider and adopt the updated HB3 Student Outcome Goals
9.E. Consider Staff Development Minutes Waiver for 2100 minutes for the 2024-2025 school year.
9.F. Consider the payment for accumulated (DEC) unused local leave days upon separation, a one time payment for those positions being eliminated due to consolidation with Austin Elementary
9.G. Consider the May Budget Amendment
9.H. Consider the resolution to serve as a release of obligation by both Memphis ISD and the City of Memphis regarding any prior arrangements or agreements in connection with the property adjacent to the city landfill known as the Ag farm.
9.I. Consider the contract for the new roof replacement
10. Personnel
(Possible Closed Session--TGC 551.074 and adjournment into Open Sesion) |
10.A. Reassignments
10.B. Retirements
10.C. Leaves of Absence
10.D. Resignation: Consider Teacher Resignations
10.E. Termination
11. Date and Time for Next Meeting
12. Adjourn