July 25, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call Meeting to Order
1.A. Roll Call
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance to US and Texas Flag
1.C. Moment of Silence
2. Communication from Citizens:
3. Superintendent's Report:
3.A. Update of Current District Events, Information, Operations and Programs
4. Presentation/Discussions:
4.A. The School Board will hear a presentation regarding the Monthly Lone Star Governance for July 2022
5. Consent: (All items may be acted upon at the same time by the School Board)
5.A. Discussion and approval of the Lone Star Governance Board Quarterly Progress Tracker for July 2022 - Twenty-Second Quarter
5.B. Consideration and approval of the 5-year Revision of the 2022-2027 District of Innovation Plan that was approved by the Board on November 28, 2017
5.C. Consideration and approval of the revised Edgewood ISD 2022-2023 Academic Calendar
5.D. Consideration and approval of the College Board's College Readiness and Success Agreement for the 2022-2023 school year in the amount of $65,822.00
5.E. Consideration and approval of the University of Texas Cooperative Program Agreement for UT OnRamps for the 2022-2023 school year in the amount not to exceed $40,000.00
5.F. Consideration and approval of the 2022-2023 San Antonio Educational Partnership (SAEP) Agreement for John F. Kennedy High School, Memorial High School, and Edgewood Fine Arts STEAM Academy in the amount not to exceed $50,000.00
5.G. Consideration and approval of the Service Delivery Agreement between Communities In Schools of San Antonio and Edgewood ISD to service Edgewood Fine Arts STEAM Academy, John F. Kennedy High School, and Memorial High School for the 2022-2023 school year in the amount not to exceed $75,000.00 utilizing Title I Funds
5.H. Consideration and approval of the 2022-2024 Pathways in Technology (P-TECH) Early College High School Memorandum of Understanding between Memorial P-TECH in partnership with St. Philips College - Alamo Colleges District, Edgewood Independent School District, and St. Philip's College, Alamo Colleges District
5.I. Consideration and approval of the 2022-2024 Pathways in Technology (P-TECH) Early College High School Memorandum of Understanding between John F. Kennedy P-TECH in partnership with St. Philip's College - Alamo Colleges District, Edgewood Independent School District, and St. Philip's College, Alamo Colleges District
5.J. Consideration and approval of the 2022-2024 Pathways in Technology (P-TECH) Early College High School Memorandum of Understanding between John F. Kennedy P-TECH in partnership with Palo Alto College - Alamo Colleges District, Edgewood Independent School District, and Palo Alto College, Alamo Colleges District
5.K. Consideration and approval of the 2022-2024 Early College High School Memorandum of Understanding between John F. Kennedy High School and Palo Alto College, Alamo Colleges
5.L. Consideration and approval of the 2022-2024 Early College High School Memorandum of Understanding between Memorial High School and Palo Alto College, Alamo Colleges
5.M. Consideration and approval of the Service Agreement between Edgewood Independent School District and The Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute for Texas for the 2022-2023 school year in the amount not to exceed $107,500.00 utilizing Federal Funds
5.N. Consideration and approval of the Shared Services Agreement between Edgewood Independent School District and the Northside Independent School District Regional Day School for the Deaf for the 2022-2023 school year in the amount not to exceed $100,000.00
5.O. Consideration and approval to purchase Frontline Segment 1 and Segment 2 from Frontline Education for the 2022-2023 school year in the amount of $91,126.97
5.P. Consideration and approval of the Edgewood Independent School District 2022-2023 Student Handbook and Student Code of Conduct
5.Q. Consideration and approval of the second and final reading of Board Policy EIC (Local) - Academic Achievement - Class Ranking
5.R. Consideration and approval for the annual products and services from the ESC Region 20 for the 2022-2023 school year in an amount of $213,068.60
5.S. Consideration and approval of the renewal of the Texas Association School Board (TASB) Risk Management fund increase for September 1, 2022, through August 31, 2023
5.T. Consideration and approval of the first reading of policies as recommended by the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Policy Service for Policy Update 119
5.U. Consideration and approval for an additional one-year extension to Request for Proposal (RFP) #21-002 for Trash and Recycling Collection Services to Republic Services for the 2022-2023 school year
5.V. Consideration and approval for an additional one-year extension to Request for Proposal (RFP) #21-003 for General Maintenance, Supplies, Materials, and Installation to the multi-vendors
5.W. Consideration and approval for an additional one-year extension to Request for Proposal (RFP) #21-003S (Supplemental) for General Maintenance, Supplies, Materials, and Installation to the multi-vendors
5.X. Consideration and approval for an additional one-year extension to Request for Proposal (RFP) #21-001 for Refrigeration and Kitchen Equipment Preventative Maintenance Services to Reliance Air and Refrigeration
5.Y. Consideration and approval of the Student Athletic and Voluntary Insurance for the 2022-2023 school year in the amount of $108,574.11
5.Z. Consideration and approval to purchase the annual food and non-food items for the 2022-2023 school year from Purchasing Cooperative Texas 20
5.AA. Consideration and approval of the Edgewood ISD School Board Resolution authorizing Chief Financial Officer, Pamela Bendele, as the individual to calculate the no-new-revenue tax rate, the voter-approval tax rate, and other truth-in-taxation requirements
5.AB. Consideration and approval of donations
5.AC. Consideration and approval to Order an Election for the Edgewood Independent School District to take place on November 8, 2022, for the purpose of electing trustees for Places One (1), Two (2), Three (3), and Four (4) for a term of four (4) years
5.AD. Consideration and approval to rescind the Resolution of the Edgewood ISD School Board addressing employment issues related to school closure caused by COVID-19 Pandemic that also delegated the authority to the Superintendent for Emergency purchases adopted at the March 24, 2020 School Board Meeting
6. Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.071, 551.072, and 551.074
6.A. Discussion with legal counsel regarding the purchase of a warehouse on a 5.4 acre tract of land located at 1119 S. Acme Road. San Antonio, Texas
6.B. Discussion with legal counsel regarding the Edgewood ISD 2022-2023 Compensation Plan
6.C. Discussion with legal counsel regarding Rescission of Resolution passed by the Board on March 24, 2020 with respect to Emergency Purchases/Delegation of Authority
7. Open Session:
7.A. Discussion, consideration, and possible action to purchase a warehouse on a 5.4 acre tract of land located at 1119 S. Acme Road. San Antonio, Texas
7.B. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding the Edgewood ISD 2022-2023 Compensation Plan
7.C. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding Rescission of Resolution passed by the Board on March 24, 2020 with respect to Emergency Purchases/Delegation of Authority
8. Information Items:
8.A. Monthly Financial Statements
8.B. Monthly Tax Collection Report
8.C. Auxiliary and Paraprofessional Employment Board Report
8.D. Professional Employment Board Report
9. Adjournment: