December 17, 2018 at 5:00 PM - Special Meeting
Minutes |
I. Determination of Quorum and Call to Order
II. Recognition of Guests and Visitors
III. Agenda approval
IV. Approve the minutes of the December 10, 2018, regular board meeting.
V. Public Comment:
Welcome to this meeting of the Board of Education Independent School District #695, Chisholm School District. We are extremely pleased that you have shown an interest in school district affairs by attending this meeting. The Board of Education allows public participation at its meeting, but at the same time has the responsibility for conducting its business in an orderly fashion. We will provide the audience with an opportunity to request to speak. We request that before you speak to announce your name. Each speaker will be allowed five minutes unless the time limit is waived by a majority of the board members present. At a public meeting of the board, no person shall orally initiate charges or complaints against individual employees of the district or challenge instructional materials used in the district. All such charges, if presented to the board directly, shall be referred to the Superintendent for investigation and report. We would also like to remind the public that the school board is not allowed to comment on your concerns. If there are no questions, we will open the public comment section of the board meeting.
VI. Reports
VI.A. Superintendent Blanchard
VII. Correspondence
VIII. Consent Agenda
VIII.A. Approve Policy #533 Wellness Policy
Members of the committee: Janey Blanchard, Mark Morrison, Megan Sciponi, Mya Paradis, Jamie Steinberg, Lisa Aldrich (parent), Kim Yurteich and Cindy Carlson
VIII.B. First Reading Policy #101
Legal Status of the School District
VIII.C. First Reading Policy #101.1
Name of the School District
VIII.D. First Reading Policy # 103
Complaints-Students, Employees, Parents, Other Persons
VIII.E. First Reading Policy #155
Outside Agencies Supporting School
VIII.F. First Reading Policy #201
Legal Status of School Board
VIII.G. First Reading Policy #202
School Board Officers
VIII.H. First Reading Policy #203
Operation of the School Board-Governing Rules
VIII.I. First Reading Policy #203.1
School Board Procedures; Rules of Order
VIII.J. First Reading Policy #203.2
Order of the Regular School Board Meeting
VIII.K. First Reading Policy #203.5
School Board Meeting Agenda
IX. Action Agenda
IX.A. 2017-2018 Audit Review Presentation
Audit completed by Sterle & Co.
IX.B. Increase Mileage Rate to 58 cents per mile driven for business use.
IX.C. Approve the Tierney Bid for Chromebooks in the amount of $157,914.20
X. Discussion
XI. Information
XI.A. Budget Publication
This will be published in the Chistribune Press on Wednesday, December 19, 2018.
XII. Adjourn