April 14, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation: Mark Cornett
Pledge to the US Flag and Texas Flag: Jerry Durst Pledge to the Texas Flag: Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible. Mission Statement & Goals: Leola Mills |
2.A. Mission Statement and Goals
MISSION STATEMENT: Inspiring Excellence GOALS: Excite students to reach their full educational potential. Exercise fiscal responsibility. Recruit and maintain a quality teacher core. Strengthen the vocational/technical prgrams. Encourage involvement ofthe parents and community members. Promote a high level of ethical behavior. Provide inviting, safe, well-maintained school facilities. |
3. Awards and Special Recognition
4. Public Comments
5. Consideration and Approval of Consent Agenda Items:
5.A. Minutes of March 17 meeting
5.B. Local Policy Update 99
5.C. General Fund Statement of Revenues and Expenditures
5.D. Budget Amendments
5.E. Fund Balance
5.F. School Nutrition Fund- Statement of Revenues and Expenditures
5.G. Debt Service Fund- Statement of Revenues and Expenditures
5.H. Local Capital Projects Fund- Statement of Revenues and Expenditures
5.I. Bond Capital Projects Fund- Statement of Revenues and Expenditures
5.J. Bond Detail Report
5.K. Other Non-Major Governmental Funds- Budgeted Revenues and Actual Expenditures
5.L. Tax Collection Report
5.M. Investment Balances Financial Report
6. New Business: Action/Discussion Items
6.A. Discussion: Band Update by John Rauschuber
6.B. Consideration and action, if any for Stadium Project Vendor
6.C. Consideration and action, if any, upon the approval of Adams Street Project with the City of Fredericksburg for FPS parking and sidewalk addition not to exceed $50,000
7. Superintendent's Report
7.A. Enrollment/Attendance Update
7.B. Hill Country CTE Consortium Update
7.C. Reminder of May 1, 2014 Special Meeting at Noon
8. Assistant Superintendent's Report
8.A. Operations and Personnel
8.A.1. Secondary Staffing/Enrollment Report
8.B. Business Office
8.C. Curriculum and Instruction
9. Board Business
9.A. Dates of Interest
10. Executive Session if during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in a meeting, the board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act., Tex. Gov't Code, Chapter 551 Subchapters D and E.
10.A. Personnel: Consider Employment, Resignations, Extended Leaves, additional Positions and Other Personnel Matters
10.B. Considerations and action, on Teacher, Librarian, Counselor, Diagnositican, and School Nurse contracts.
10.C. Consideration and action, if any, upon termination of probationary teacher contracts.
10.D. Consideration of superintendent's recommendations regarding employment and contract status of administrative professional personnel, including campus principals
11. Return to Open Session
12. CONSIDERATION AND ACTION, if any, resulting from executive session
12.A. Personnel: Consideration and action if any upon Employment, Resignations, Extended Leaves, Additional Positions and Other Personnel Matters
12.B. Consideration and action, on Teacher, Librarian, Counselor, Diagnostician, and School Nurse contracts
12.C. Consideration and action, if any, upon termination of probationary teacher contracts
12.D. Consideration of superintendent's recommendation regarding employment and contract status of administrative professional personnel, including campus principals
13. Adjourn