August 16, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Public Meeting with Regular Meeting to Follow
Minutes |
1. Call Board Meeting to Order
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegience
4. Open Forum
5. Budget and Tax Rate Public Meeting--Dr. Mosley
5.A. Live Oak Public Finance
6. Consent Agenda
1. July Board Meeting Minutes 2. Transfer Students 3. Check Registry |
7. New Business
7.A. Consider/Approve Adult Meal Prices
7.B. Consider/Approve Update 117
7.C. Consider/Approve Professional Liability Insurance for Administrators for the 2021-2022 school year
8. Consider/Approve date and time for Special Meeting to set budget and tax rate.
9. Informational Items
9.A. Informational-Tax Resale Deed Bid Submission
9.B. New Hires and Resignations
10. Principal/Director Reports
11. Superintendent Report
12. Executive Session -Persuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074:
The Board may move into Executive Sessions to discuss personnel or to hear complaints against personnel. |
13. Adjournment