March 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - March Regular Board Meeting
Regular Board | |
Attendance Taken on 3/10/2025 at 6:09 PM | |
Bryan Franzen | Present |
Marge Spencer | Present |
Necole Miller | Present |
Ryan Stearns | Present |
Sara Gentry | Present |
Tina Golter | Present |
Present: 6, Absent: 0 | |
Also in attendance was Superintendent Foster, Principal Larson, and Business Manager Molly Most.
Minutes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call the Meeting to Order
President Stearns called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and roll call was taken.
1.1. Approve Excusing Absent Board Members
2. Mission Statement
We, at Brady Public Schools, strive to create a positive culture in which all learners reach their fullest potential as EAGLES!
3. Approval of the agenda as presented or with the following modifications.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4. Approval of the minutes from the Regular Board Meeting Held February 10th, 2025
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
5. Financial Report and Approval of Claims for March including Payroll
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6. Communications
Thank you note from Marge Spencer
7. Reports
7.1. Grounds Report- T.G.
Tina gave her report. Tina has helped with snow removal and trash/tumbleweed pick up. Heartland Sprinklers will be coming out tomorrow to go over the plans for the renovation of the Learning Center with the water lines.
7.2. Transportation Report - D.R.
Dan gave his report. Bus #04 is now running at 0 degree temperatures. Oil changes are scheduled for #10 and #16. All busses will be 80 day checked in this next month. Mrs. Foster and Dan have looked at the numbers by taking a bus for a sporting activity versus taking fleet vehicles. It has came out if there are 17 or less people going, it is cheaper to take fleet vehicles.
7.3. Building Maintenance Report - R.S.
Mrs. Foster gave Ryan's report. HVAC units in the school are functioning correctly. All filters and check strainers for changed. A new circuit board was installed by Waldingers on a unit not running properly. Blinds were installed in Miss. Widick's room to help with the cold in her room. During the cold snap there were days it was 56 degrees. Ryan will be looking at better insulating options above her classroom and the hallway outside her room. The walk through with the playground went well this month. Will be looking at different options for the zip ties on the soccer nets. Floor machine was not dispensing water and giving a sensor warning. It has been taken to get serviced and should be back within two weeks.
Sara Gentry has mentioned how impressed she is with how the building looks inside and out. Not every school building that she goes into looks so nice, and Brady Public Schools is doing a great job with cleaning and maintenance. |
7.4. Activities Report - A.S.
Andy gave his report. Andy recognized girls basketball for completing a 17 win season and district runner up. This is the most wins since 2014-2015 season. Aliyah Mitchum and Aiden Mitchum earned MNAC All-Conference wrestling and Brett Larson and Aiden Mitchum qualified for State Wrestling. Congrats to Brett Larson for a 3rd place finish in state wrestling. February gate revenue was $1,624.75 and February officials cost $1,410. MNAC Conference Speech took place on March 10th with some upcoming events including: MNAC Music on April 1st, District Music on April 25, and MNAC Art May 2nd.
7.5. Principal's Report
Mr. Larson gave an eduCLIMBER update and showed the incidents are decreasing. Mr. Larson also went over MAP and NSCAS testing data.
7.6. Superintendent's Report
Mrs. Foster gave her report. Attendance has been a group effort between Mr. Larson, Mrs. Kleewein, Sam Mann and Mrs. Foster. The district has a very small number of students who have exceeded the attendance threshold for second semester which is 10 missed days. The students do have an opportunity to make up time on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. Letters have gone out for Kindergarten Round Up and Preschool next year. Currently four students from preschool will be going to kindergarten next year, leaving 10 preschoolers to come back for a second year. The district is still looking for a K-12 Music/Band Teacher. Mrs. Foster has provided numerous tours for potential optioning enrollment students. The cut-off for option enrollment is March 15th. Two weeks ago, Mrs. Foster's office got flooded. The drywall was able to be saved, but all carpet and furniture are ruined. There is currently a dispute with the contractors about whose fault this is. Hoping within the next couple weeks, everything will get resolved and the office will be refinished for Mrs. Foster to move back in.
7.7. Special Recognition
The Board would like to thank Marge Spencer, Molly Most, and Superintendent Foster for their continued work on grant writing to help fund the remainder of the money needed for the Brady Learning Center. We currently need approximately $200,000 more and currently the school and the foundation have been excellent supporters of finding ways to secure additional funding.
7.8. Committee Reports
7.8.1. Student Member of the Board
Alexis was at conference speech so Mrs. Foster gave her report. Brett Larson and Aiden Mitchum qualified for state wresting with Brett placing third. Conference Speech was in Dunning today (March 10th). Sweets N Speech is at Brady Public Schools on March 13th. Speech Districts will be Tuesday March 18th, State speech will be March 26th, FFA was on March 3rd, Prom will be March 29th, .
7.8.2. Finance Committee
The General Fund is under budget by 13.85% and the Lunch Fund is under budget by 10.75%. The CD that matured on February 28th was renewed into an 18 month CD at 4% with a balance of $645,274.58. The finance committee reviewed a table comparing the cost of fleet vehicles versus taking a bus during sporting activities.
7.8.3. Policy Committee
7.9. Legislative Update
On Monday, March 10th, the Education Committee will conduct public hearing on LB 652 and LR 28CA, both introduced by Senator Ben Hansen. The measures will be heard together, so testifiers can speak to both at the same time.
LB 652 (Hansen) Terminate the Board of Educational Lands and Funds LR 28CA (Hansen) would propose a constitutional amendment to repeal Article VII, Section 6 of the Nebraska Constitution, and thereby eliminate the Board of Educational Lands and Funds. If approved by the Legislature, this amendment would appear on the 2026 General Election ballot. Other bills we are watching: LB 140 (Sanders, at the request of the Governor) requires school districts to adopt a policy regulating student use of electronic communication devices (such as cell phones) on school property or at school functions by the 2025-26 school year. LB 143 (Rountree) amends existing law (§ 79-215) to modify the school district's enrollment procedures for children of military families, ensuring that these provisions also apply to students with an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), Individualized Education Program (IEP), or those receiving special education services. LB 428 (Murman) proposes changes to the Parental Involvement Act (§ 79-532), which outlines requirements for surveys administered to students. The bill mandates that schools notify parents, guardians, and educational decision-makers at least 30 days in advance before conducting any non-anonymous survey that asks for sensitive information, such as sexual, mental health, medical, religious, or political details. |
7.10. School Board Workshops, Conference Reports, and additional Information
School Masters & NRCSA- Mrs. Foster will be inducted into School Masters on March 19 and then will attend the NRCSA Conference on March 20-21. Molly Most will attend NAEP March 19-20 in Kearney. Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Simants are attending the Women in Leadership Conference March 27-28 in Kearney. Ryan Stearns mentioned he went to the President's Retreat in the middle of February. He mentioned the retreat wasn't very beneficial this year.
8. Discussion Items
8.1. Legislature Committee Member #15
There are two individuals up for vote for Legislature Committee Member #15. The two individuals are Jayson Bishop- Perkins County and Suzy Ernest- Leyton. Jayson Bishop has more experience over Suzy Ernest.
8.2. Staff Resignations
Approve the resignation of Principal, Mr. Larson. Thank you for your service the past two years!
8.3. New Staff Hires
7-12 Science Teacher - Nicholas Roberts.
8.4. Facilities Update
Water Damage
On Sunday, February 23rd, a pipe in the new addition froze and then broke leaving 1-2" of standing in Mrs. Foster's office. All office furniture was a total loss as was the carpet. Fortunately, due to the quick acting of Steele's Cleaning out of North Platte, we were able to fully dry out the drywall. Alicap Insurance as well as the Insurance Company representing AGC have been in contact and out to review the damage. Right now, there is mitigation between who will be responsible for the damage. Alicap has been wonderful to work with and is fronting us the money to get office furniture and carpet replaced. If AGC is found responsible, then they will pay back ALICAP. Dishwasher The Hobart Dishwasher that was purchased with grant funds in April was installed in December. However, it has been unoperational since it's installment due to "bad" motherboard. A new motherboard was installed at the end of February, however, it too is "bad" and not working. Superintendent Foster reached out to the manufacturing company and is currently working with them towards restitution since the dishwasher is still under warranty. |
8.5. Review Option Enrollment Application period
Option Enrollment period for next year is open through March 15th. Superintendent Foster has issued the following communications: Newspaper (North Plate), School Newsletter, and Social Media. Mrs. Foster has provided numerous tours to students from surrounding communities. Current Enrollment: 191.
8.6. 2025 Lawn Care Proposal
Green Acres provided a proposal for the upcoming 2025 season. The proposal showed a three step process. Bryan Franzen recommends looking into a 5-step application. Tina will reach out and discuss the 5-step process along with letting them know about the south west lawn during the renovation process. The check will get mailed to receive the discount, but the cost might change depending on if the extra steps are added.
9. Public Comments
10. Action Items
10.1. Legislature Committee Member #15
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10.2. Staff Resignations
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10.3. Staff Hires
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10.4. 2025 Lawn Care Proposal
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
11. Adjournment
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
12. General Fund Check Register
____________________________________ Ryan Stearns President, Board of Education ____________________________________ Marge Spencer Secretary, Board of Education The time and date of the Brady Public School’s regular meeting was advertised in Gothenburg Leader and posted at the Brady Get-N-Go, Post Office, and Flatwater Bank-Brady Branch. The next regular meeting will be April 14th, 2025, at 6:00 PM. |