May 20, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge to Flag
3. Audience Comments - The board cannot respond to non-agenda items. Maximum five minutes per individual.
4. Facility Information
4.A. Construction Update - RLM General Contractors
5. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
5.A. Minutes from Previous Meeting(s)
5.B. April Report of Bills Paid and Tax Collection Report
5.C. Budget Amendment(s)
5.D. Approval of the Board Resolution Extending the Depository Contract with City National Bank for an Additional Two-Year Term from September 1, 2019, through August 31, 2021, under Texas Education Code Section 45.205(b)
5.E. Approval of Reading/English Language Arts (ELA) Textbook Adoption for Kindergarten -8th Grade for 2019-2027
5.F. Renew the Region VII Purchasing Cooperative Interlocal Agreement and Resolution
6. Information Reports
6.A. Kudos for Kids
6.B. Students of the Month
6.C. WHS Fishing Club - Dr. Mike McAdoo
6.D. Curriculum Report - MMS Student Presentation
6.E. National School Shield Program Presentation - Torri Miller
6.F. Transportation Department - William "Butch" Cummings
7. Items of New Business
7.A. Consider/Action on the Following Donations: Monetary Donation o $15,000.00 of a Scoreboard for the New High School Basketball Gym from First National Bank of Winnsboro; and Monetary Donation of a Scoreboard for the New High School baseball Field from City National Bank
7.B. Consider/Action on Approval of WHS Out-of-State Student Travel for the FFA Officers Retreat at Broken Bow, OK
7.C. Consider/Action on Contract with RLM General Contractors for the WISD High School Greenhouse and Equipment Project
7.D. Consider/Action on Water Easement Agreement with The City of Winnsboro for the Water Line for the New High School
8. Personnel
8.A. Consider/Action on Resignations of George Riebe - WHS, Chad Smith - WHS, Glenn Boerger - MMS, Anthony Lopez, - MMS and Kylie Singleton - MMS
8.B. Consider/Action on Employment of Brittany Finney and Jeffry "Blake" Worley - MMS
8.C. Consider/Action on Change of Contract for Jennifer Sikes to a Ten Month, One Year Contract as a Certified Classroom Teacher
9. Superintendent Reports
9.A. Principal and Directors' Reports
10. Adjournment