January 16, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge to Flag
3. Audience Comments - The board cannot respond to non-agenda items. Maximum five minutes per individual.
4. Public Hearing
4.A. Hearing
for Public Discussion of 2015-2016 Texas Academic Performance (TAPR) Report –
Torri Miller
4.B. Presentation
of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) A-F State Accountability System Reports for
2015-16 – Torri Miller
5. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
5.A. Minutes from Previous Meeting(s)
5.B. November and December Reports of Bills Paid and Tax Collection Report
5.C. Budget Amendment(s)
At-Will Employment of
Ann Underwood – WES Teacher Aide, Johnny Walker – Transportation, Virginia
Carter – Food Service and Amelia Russom – Custodial
5.E. At-Will Termination
of Donna Taylor – Food Service
Adopt the Revised
Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Local Policy CH (Local): Purchasing
and Acquisition
5.G. Adopt the Resolution Calling
on the Texas Legislature to Repeal the Rating System Utilizing A-F Grades for
Schools and Districts and Develop a Community-Based Accountability System
5.H. Schedule Open House
as Follows:
WHS – Monday, March 6, 2017……. 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. WES – Tuesday, March 7, 2017....... 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. MMS – Thursday, March 9, 2017…... 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. |
5.I. Provide
Lunches for Grandparents March 6–10, 2017, for Texas Public School Week
6. Information Reports
6.A. Kudos for Kids
6.B. Students of the Month
Board Recognition Presentation – Susan Morton
7. Items of New Business
7.A. Consider/Action on Calling Board of Trustee
7.B. Consider/Action
on District and Campus Improvement Plans for 2016-2017
7.C. Consider/Action
on Transfer of $800,000.00 from the Assigned Fund Balance to the Unassigned
Fund Balance
7.D. Consider/Action
on Transfer of Funds in the Amount of $228,000.00 from the Unassigned Fund
Balance to Fund 2016-2017 Purchases, Repairs and Special Projects
8.A. Consider/Action
on Board Evaluation – Open Session
8.B. Consider/Action
on Superintendent Evaluation and Contract – Closed Session
9. Superintendent Reports
9.A. Principal and Directors’ Reports
10. Adjournment