June 20, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge to Flag
3. Audience Comments - The board cannot respond to non-agenda items. Maximum five minutes per individual.
4. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
4.A. Minutes from Previous Meeting(s)
4.B. May Reports of Bills Paid
Budget Amendment(s)
4.D. At-Will
Employment of Felipe Perez – Special Education Aide
4.E. At-Will
Termination of Ruby Cash – Custodial
4.F. Renew
the Financial Audit Agreement with Arnold, Walker, Arnold & Company, P.C.
for the Amount of $19,950.00
4.G. Renew
the Claims Administrative Services, Inc. Workers’ Compensation Agreement with
Annual Premiums of Fixed Costs of $20,766.00 with a Loss Fund Maximum of
4.H. Approve
the Revised WES Depository Authorization Resolution
4.I. Request
Permission for a Garage Sale on July 22, 2016, from 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM to Sell
Unused Miscellaneous District Items
4.J. Request
Permission to Scrap the Following Vehicles and Buses: 1995 Ford Crown Victoria
VIN# 7283; 1992 Ford Van VIN# 6842; 1998-D Blue Bird Bus VIN# 2076; 1989-D Blue
Bird Bus VIN# 3236; 1989-D Blue Bird Bus VIN# 3227; and 1998-D Blue Bird Bus
VIN# 2076
4.K. Change
the Regular July Board Meeting Date from July 18, 2016, to July 25, 2016,
7:00 p.m.
5. Items of New Business
5.A. Consider/Action on Election of Board of Trustee Officers for 2016-2017
5.B. Consider/Action on
Designation of Delegate and Alternate for the 2016 Texas Association of School Boards
(TASB) Delegate Assembly
5.C. Consider/Action on Request
to Purchase a 2008 Pre-Owned Thomas C2 77 Passenger Bus in the Amount of
$53,600.00 from American Bus Sales, A Region VII Vendor
5.D. Consider/Action
on Request to Commit 2016-2017 Funds in the Amount of $41,900.00
to Purchase a 2011 Pre-Owned Chevy Collins 28 Passenger Bus from American Bus
Sales, a Region VII Vendor
6. Personnel
6.A. Consider/Action on Resignations of Shayla
Hinkeldey – WES, Gertrude Atteberry – WHS, and Terri Glenn – Educational
6.B. Consider/Action on Reassignment of Leigh Ann
Chilton to MMS Assistant Principal with
a Change of Contract to an Eleven Month Certified
Administrator Contract
6.C. Consider/Action on Employment of Angela
Beaver, Misty Floyd, Tonya Jones, Jana
Keith – WES;
Amber Cox, Carin Huneycutt, Sarah LaPrade, Kinney LaPrade, Frances Mowat
– MMS; Lori Martin, Rogelio “Roy” Valdez
– WHS; and Brandi Boles – Educational Diagnostician
7. Superintendent Reports
7.A. Principal
and Directors’ Reports
8. Adjournment