August 28, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
II. Declare a quorum
III. Prayer
IV. Pledge of Allegiance & Honor the Texas Flag
V. Open Forum
VI. New Business
VI.A. Consent Agenda
VI.A.1. Approve minutes from August 2nd and August 9th meetings.
VI.A.2. Approve deed requests.
VI.B. Regular Agenda
VI.B.1. Discuss and possible action to adopt a budget for the 2023-2024 fiscal year
VI.B.2. Discuss and possible action to set 2023-2024 tax rate
VI.B.3. Discuss and possible action on a budget amendment
VI.B.4. Discuss and possible action on reimbursement resolution.
VI.B.5. Discuss and possible action on Hellas construction track repair proposal.
VI.B.6. Discuss and possible action on a $1000 donation from Horace Mann to HS English class to go see a play in OKC.
VI.B.7. Approve donation of $10,000 from Phillips 66 for STEM.
VII. Campus Reports
VII.A. Elementary Principal
VII.A.1. Student and Staff Information
VII.B. Junior High Principal
VII.B.1. Student and Staff Information
VII.C. High School Principal
VII.C.1. Student and Staff Information
VII.D. Athletic Director
VII.D.1. Student and Staff Information
VIII. District Reports
VIII.A. Curriculum Director
VIII.A.1. Student and Staff Information
VIII.B. Business Manager
VIII.B.1. Monthly Financial Report
VIII.C. Superintendent
VIII.C.1. District Information
VIII.D. Board President
VIII.D.1. Set date(s) for called or regular meetings
IX. Closed Session
IX.A. Discuss personnel or to hear complaints against certain personnel of public officer. Tex. Gov't Code 551.071
IX.A.1. Discussion regarding the open school nurse position.
X. Open Session
X.A. Contract recommendations for professional personnel
XI. Adjourn