October 5, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
II. Declare a quorum
III. Prayer
IV. Pledge of Allegiance & Honor the Texas Flag
V. Open Forum
VI. Recognition of Guests
VII. New Business
VII.A. Consent Agenda
VII.A.1. Approve minutes from September 13th meeting.
VII.B. Regular Agenda
VII.B.1. Discuss and possible action on the updated Gifted and Talented handbook.
VIII. Campus Reports
VIII.A. Elementary Principal
VIII.A.1. Student and Staff Information
VIII.B. Junior High Principal
VIII.B.1. Student and Staff Information
VIII.C. High School Principal
VIII.C.1. Student and Staff Information
VIII.D. Athletic Director
VIII.D.1. Student and Staff Information
IX. District Reports
IX.A. Curriculum Director
IX.A.1. Student and Staff Information
IX.B. Business Manager
IX.B.1. Monthly Financial Report
IX.B.2. Quarterly Investment Report
IX.B.3. Discuss the Federal and State procurement handbook.
IX.C. Superintendent
IX.C.1. District Information
IX.D. Board President
IX.D.1. Set date(s) for called or regular meetings
X. Closed Session
X.A. The deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel, critical infrastructure, security devices, or a security audit. Tex. Govt Code 551.076
XI. Open Session
XI.A. Consideration and possible action on the Multi-hazard Emergency Operations Plan, Active Threat Annex, and the Active Shooter Appendix.
XII. Adjourn