December 12, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order, Pledge of allegiance, Prayer, Welcome, and Recognition of Visitors
2. Roll Call, Establish Quorum
3. Acceptance of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Public Comments
6. Presentations:
6.A. Student of the Month - High School - Dr. Harris
6.B. Teacher of the Month - Junior High - Coach Graves
6.C. Staff of the Month - Maintenance and Transportation - Dr. Cone
6.D. Recognition of Campuses for Student Attendance - Dr. Cone
6.E. Recognition of Campus with Top Staff Attendance - Dr. Cone
6.F. Athletics Update - Cross Country, Volleyball, Football - Coach Graves
6.G. Agricultural Science Department Update - M. Woodall
6.H. Presentation of 2015- 2016 Financial Audit Report - Stephen Horton
6.I. Status of Board Continuing Education Requirement Hours - Eric Smith
7. Executive Session: The Board of Trustees will convene in closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 Pursuant to Section 551.071 and 551.074 of Texas Govt. Code, deliberations regarding:
7.A. Discuss and consider employment of Junior High Principal
7.B. Discuss and consider employment of District Instructional Facilitator
7.C. Discuss and consider employment of Community Liaison
8. Action Items: The Board returns to open session.
8.A. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of Junior High Principal - Dr. Cone
8.B. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of District Instructional Facilitator - Dr. Cone
8.C. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of Community Liaison - Dr. Cone
8.D. Discussion and possible action regarding Preliminary 2015-2016 School FIRST Rating - Ms. Garcia
8.E. Discussion and possible action regarding renewal of Audit Contract for 2016-2017 with Coleman & Horton - Ms. Garcia
8.F. Discussion and possible action regarding updating bank signatures to reflect 2016-2017 NISD Board Members and enroll in E- Banking through Security State Bank on the following accounts: 14605, 14699, 9905375, 14648 and 7336233. - Ms. Garcia
8.G. Discussion and possible action regarding requesting to establish a new 6 - month Certificate of Deposit in the amount of $250,000.00 with Security State Bank. Signers on this account will be Eric Smith, Dr. Hensley Cone and Claudia Garcia. - Ms. Garcia
8.H. Discussion and possible action regarding requesting to update the signers on the following Certificate of Deposits with Security State Bank (28217 & 28448), Prosperity Bank (9600000297) and Community National Bank (18775). * Remove former Superintendent(s) and update to reflect the following individuals: Dr. Hensley Cone, Eric Smith and Claudia Garcia - Ms. Garcia
9. Administrative Reports:
9.A. Business Manager Report - Ms. Garcia
9.A.1. Vouchers and Payments
9.A.2. Tax Report
9.A.3. Financial Report
9.A.4. Cafeteria Report
9.B. Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Report - Mr. Stewart
10. Announcements:
10.A. December 16 - Early Release - Staff Luncheon a 12:30 in JH Cafeteria
10.B. December 17 to January 1 - Winter Break
10.C. December 2 - Professional Learning Day / Student Holiday
10.D. January 9 - Regular Board Meeting
10.E. Team of 8 Training Dates
10.F. SPRING - ESC20 & ESC13 Strategic Planning Collaboration
11. Adjournment