August 24, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer, Welcome and Recognition of Visitors
2. Roll Call, Establish Quorum
3. Acceptance of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes
4.A. Regular Board Meeting - July 13, 2015
4.B. Special Board Meeting - August 3, 2015
5. Review of In-Service Week
6. Consider and take possible action regarding repayment of SRO Contract Agreement with City
7. Consider and take possible action and approval of SRO Contract Agreement with City
8. Consider, discuss and take possible action regarding annual district staff dinner
9. Consider and take possible action on the Amended 2014-2015 Budget
10. Consider and take possible action on the Adoption of the Proposed Budget for 2015-2016
11. Consider and take possible action on the Adoption of the Proposed Tax Rate for 2015
12. Consider and take possible action regarding Natalia ISD Board Operation Procedures
13. Consider and take possible action regarding approval of Texas Fleet Fuel as a district Vendor.
14. Consider and take possible action to order a regular trustee election for three at-large trustee positions on Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Considerar y tomar acción para ordenar una elección de miembros directivos regulares para dos puestos con deberes y responsabilidades múltiples el 3 de noviembre, 2015 |
15. Consider and take possible action to authorize the Superintendent and or designee to enter into all contracts and agreements necessary to hold the regular trustee election on November 3, 2015 and to submit a preclearance submission to the Department of Justice, if necessary, for the November 3, 2015 regular trustee election
16. Consider and take possible action to order the appointment election officials, including Election Judges, Alternate Election Judges, Election Clerks, Early Voting Clerks, and Ballot Boards, for the terms stated in the Order of Appointment
17. Business Manager Report - C. Garcia
17.A. Vouchers and Payments
17.B. Tax Report
17.C. Financial Report
18. Public Comments
19. Executive Session: The Board of Trustees will convene in closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 Pursuant to Section 551.071 and 551.074 of Texas Govt. Code, deliberations regarding,
19.A. The Board will conduct, discuss and consider Resignations
19.B. As authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.071 and 551.074: Consultation with legal counsel to discuss legal issues pertaining to resignation of trustee and procedures for filling vacancy for Board of Trustee and reorganization of the Board officers
20. Action Items: The Board returns to open session
20.A. Consider and take possible action regarding Resignations
20.B. Discussion and possible action to accept the resignation of Board trustee, Emilio Flores.
Consideration and possible action to determine method and procedures to fill the vacancy of the unexpired term for Board of Trustee, Emilio Flores |
20.C. Consider and take possible action to replace the Board of Trustee Secretary
21. Announcements
22. Adjournment