March 16, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Announcement of a Quorum
3. Pledges of Allegiance
4. Recognition of Visitors/Public Comment: All persons who wish to address the Board at this time MUST complete a registration form before 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting
5. Student Recognition: Clyde Intermediate
6. Discussion:
6.A Discuss Waivers:
6.A(i) Missed Instructional Days for 2014-2015
6.A(ii) 2015-2016 Calendar
7. Reports
7.A Asst. Superintendent of Finance/CFO - Terry Phillips
7.A(i) Current Month Cash Position
7.A(ii) Investment Report
7.A(iii) Tax Collection Report
7.A(iv) Utilities Report
7.A(v) Combined Funds Board Report
7.A(vi) Cash Receipts Journal
7.A(vii) Check Payments for February
7.B Superintendent Report:
7.B(i) Enrollment Comparisons
7.B(ii) TASB Summer Leader Institute - San Antonio June 11-13, 2015 Fort Worth June 18-20, 2015
7.B(iii) Weather Station at Clyde CISD
7.C Director of Curriculum and Special Programs - Paula Kinslow
7.C(i) Proclamation 2015 IMA Selections
7.C(ii) Spring Professional Development Update
7.C(iii) Update Clyde Education Foundation
8. Agenda Items:
8.A Consider Approval of Consent Agenda:
8.A(i) Minutes of the Previous Meeting
8.A(ii) Financial Report
8.B Consider Approval to Accept the Certification of Unopposed Candidates
8.C Consider and Take Action to Cancel the Clyde CISD Board of Trustee Elections for May 9, 2015.
8.D Consider Approval of Lunchroom Prices for the 2015-2016 School Year
9. Closed Session
9.A Personnel (Gov't Code 551.074)
9.A(i) Resignation/Retiring
9.A(i)(a) Roger Waters - High School - Head Volleyball Coach
9.A(i)(b) Joan Kniffen - Jr. High Reading Teacher
9.A(i)(c) Lisa Connel - Nurse
9.A(i)(d) Shelley Watson - Jr. High Assistant Principal
9.A(i)(e) Audrey Prater - Jr. High Math Teacher
9.A(ii) Resignation/ No Action Required
9.A(ii)(a) Shanda sloan - Intermediate AIDE
9.A(iii) Employment
9.A(iii)(a) Head Volleyball Coach/Teacher
9.A(iii)(b) Jr. High ELA Teacher
9.A(iii)(c) Jr. High Math Teacher
9.A(iii)(d) Jr. High Assistant Principal
9.A(iii)(e) Nurse - Intermediate
9.A(iv) Employment/ No Action Required
9.A(iv)(a) Instructional Aide - Intermediate
9.A(v) Contract protocol
10. Open Session: Act upon Items discussed in Closed Session as Needed
10.A Personnel
11. Adjournment