July 11, 2016 at 5:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
The Norfolk Public School District's board of education meeting is called to order.
1.1. Roll Call
If any board member is absent, there will need to be a motion to excuse the absence.
1.2. Declaration of a Legal Meeting
2. Study Session
Listening Lunches Summary: I had lunch with staff in each building during the last quarter of the school year. Attendance/participation was completely voluntary, but I had a great turnout. My purpose was to provide staff with a convenient and personal way to share their ideas, concerns, and questions with me. Staff were very appreciative of this opportunity. The most common topics discussed were: reading, staffing, parent-teachers conferences, technology, assessment, substitutes, work days, class sizes, PLCs, calendar, traffic/parking, hiring, maintenance, grading, and enrollment. |
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Please stand and join us in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Public Comments & Communication
This is the time during the board meeting when the public may request to address the board regarding an agenda item. If you wish to comment, we ask that you identify yourself and indicate the agenda item to which you will be speaking.
5. Information and Discussion Items
5.1. Finance & Facilities Report
Total amount of claims to be approved in the consent agenda for the month of July, 2016 by specific fund are as follows: Nutrition Services Fund = $6,705.02 Cooperative Fund = $101,812 Depreciation Fund = $574.92 Special Building Fund = $33,534.08 QCPUF = $31,351.97 Student Fee Fund= $684.60 We are continuing to be within budget for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. I anticipate being able to finish the last two months of this fiscal year as planned. |
5.2. Teaching & Learning Report
Curriculum & Assessment
5.3. Student Services Report
5.4. Human Resources & Accreditation Report
School Improvement/Professional Development:
Certified Staff Hires: We would like the board to consider approving the following certified teaching contract:
Current Certified Staff Openings: As of July 7, 2016
New Teacher Training:
Basic Overview of the Schedule for New Teachers:
Building work with school admin and office support staff. Substitute Teacher Training:
5.5. Superintendent's Report
Summer School and our Administrative Retreats are now complete, so we can focus all of our attention on the 2016-2017 school year. Some important dates for you to remember include: August 4-9: New Teacher Training August 4: New Teacher Welcome Luncheon (11:45 at the Middle School) August 10: First Day for All Certificated Staff -- Welcome Back in the Johnny Carson Theatre at 7:45 AM August 15: First Day for Students grades 1-9, New Students in grades 10-12 and half of Kindergarten August 16: First Day for all other students (returning 10th-12th graders and the other half of kindergarten) August 17: ALL kindergarten students report
5.6. Nebraska Association of School Boards (NASB) Update
A new strategic vision for the NASB: 1. Leadership 2. Innovate 3. Vision 4. Engage |
5.7. Americanism Report
Norfolk Public Schools Americanism Report to the Board of Education 2015-2016
In compliance with Nebraska State School Law 79-724-Americanism, all building Americanism reports have been submitted to my office and are available for your review if you so choose. Instructional requirements for grade levels and courses have met this law as well as other practices specifically mentioned in the law. Suggested activities include reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, singing of patriotic songs, appropriate handling of the American flag, education of the US Constitution and the Nebraska Constitution, and appropriate exercises suitable to occasions including Lincoln’s Birthday, Washington’s Birthday, Flag Day, Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Building reports include daily exercise of the Pledge of Allegiance, Constitution Day, Nebraska American Indian Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents’ Birthdays, Statehood Day, Loyalty Day, George Norris Day, and Chief Standing Bear Day. A large variety of activities were used to support the recognition of these focus days and topics. Many more learning activities are mentioned in the building reports. |
5.8. Multicultural Report
Norfolk Public Schools Multicultural Report to the Board of Education 2015-2016
The mission of the multicultural education program is to prepare students to: (a) value and respect their own culture and race and cultures and races other than their own and (b) eliminate stereotypes and different treatment of others based on culture and race. The mission shall also include preparing students to eliminate stereotypes and discrimination or harassment of others based on ethnicity, religion, gender and socioeconomic status, age or disability. The Nebraska Department of Education assists schools by surveying the effectiveness of multicultural education programs. The last survey was conducted in 2013. The next survey is likely to reoccur in 2018 as the law requires data every five years. As an accountability measure, we collect teacher reports at a building level by principals on the multicultural lessons taught throughout the year. Complete listings of lessons can be obtained from building principals. To concisely report to the BOE, principals tally lessons of the ethnic nationalities mentioned in LB 79-719 and send those numbers to the Office of Teaching and Learning.
Lessons in African American - 752 Hispanic American - 529 Native American - 592 Asian American - 404 European American –574
Beth Nelson Director of Teaching and Learning
6. Committee Reports
6.1. Board Building Visit Reports
6.2. Facilities & Finance Committee Report
The committee reviewed all claims for the month of July as well as the June Activity claims. The committee received a facility update and then discussed the following items:
Our next meeting is scheduled for August 8th, 2016 at the Central Office. |
6.3. Policy & Government Relations Report
The Policy and Government Relations Committee conducted an electronic review of the policy revisions suggested by Perry Law Firm as part of their Annual Update. Changes to the policies were based on recent changes to Nebraska State Statute and ESSA. These policies will be presented for First Reading tonight. We will begin our regular monthly policy revision meetings in August.
6.4. Activities Committee Report
The Activities Committee does not meet during the summer. We will resume quarterly meetings in the Fall.
6.5. Minutes of Committee Meetings
7. Approve Consent Agenda
7.1. Minutes of Previous Meetings
7.2. Personnel
7.2.1. Contract Approval
Melissa Buller 2016-2017---4th grade overflow teacher at Jefferson Elementary Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Wayne State College Currently a Substitute Teacher at Madison Elementary School, Madison NE ![]() |
7.2.2. Resignations
None at this time.
7.3. Claims
Attached are the claims for the month of July, 2016. These have been reviewed by the Finance and Facilities committee.
8. Action Items
8.1. Discuss, consider, and take action to approve the following Board Policies: 3090 (Sale and Disposal of School Property), 3130 (Purchasing Policies), 3570 (ESSA), 4026 (Prohibition on Aiding and Abetting Sexual Abuse), 4027 (Workplace Privacy), 4028 (Appropriate Dress), 5006 (Option Enrollment), 5203 (Academic Progress), 5418 (Homeless Students, 5419 (Student Privacy Protection), 6020 (The Program of Instruction) 6212 (Assessments-Academic Content Standards), 6284 (Initiations, hazing, Secret Clubs, and Outside Organizations), 6286 (Return to Learn from Cancer), 6410 (Parental Involvement in Title I Programs), 6800 (Internet Safety), 6920 (Self Management of Asthma-Anaphylaxis-Diabetes), 8270 (Conflict of Interest),and 9341 (Voting)
The Policy and Government Relations Committee reviewed the policy revisions suggested by Perry Law Firm as part of their Annual Policy Update. Proposed revisions were due to recent changes in Nebraska State Statute and ESSA. The Committee is recommending that these policies be considered for First Reading: 3090 (Sale and Disposal of School Property), 3130 (Purchasing Policies), 3570 (ESSA), 4026 (Prohibition on Aiding and Abetting Sexual Abuse), 4027 (Workplace Privacy), 4028 (Appropriate Dress), 5006 (Option Enrollment), 5203 (Academic Progress), 5418 (Homeless Students), 5419 (Student Privacy Protection), 6020 (The Program of Instruction), 6212 (Assessments-Academic Content Standards), 6284 (Initiations, hazing, Secret Clubs, and Outside Organizations), 6286 (Return to Learn from Cancer), 6410 (Parental Involvement in Title I Programs), 6800 (Internet Safety), 6920 (Self Management of Asthma-Anaphylaxis-Diabetes), 8270 (Conflict of Interest), and 9341 (Voting). |
8.2. Discuss, consider and take action to approve the following curricula: Language Arts, Music & Art
8.3. Discuss, consider and take action to approve elementary, junior high, and senior high student handbooks
9. Future Meetings
We will not have a 2nd meeting in July, due to Administrator Days. Our next meeting will be Monday, August 8th. The Study Session will begin at 5:30. It will be followed by our Business meeting at 6:30. All components of the meeting will be held at the City Administration Office and will be open to the public.
10. Executive Session -- To Discuss Property Negotiations, as needed to Protect the Interest of the District
10.1. Convene Executive Session -- To Discuss Property Negotiations, as needed to Protect the Interest of the District
10.2. Reconvene Meeting from Executive Session
10.3. Approval of Any Action Deemed Necessary as a Result of Executive Session
11. Adjournment