November 18, 2019 at 7:00 PM - November School Board Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order and Announcement of Quorum Present by the President
I.A. Members Present/Members Absent
II. Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
III. Comments from Visitors
IV. Report from Principals and Recognition of Exemplary Students/Programs/Enrollment
V. Recommended Action
V.A. Consent Agenda
V.A.1. Approval of the minutes for the October 2019
V.A.2. Financial Report
V.B. Consider, and take action as appropriate, on Board Policy FNCE (local) regarding student tracking and safety devices.
V.C. Consider, and take action as appropriate on bids received for the used school bus.
V.D. Consider, and take action as appropriate, to Approve first rating.
VI. Discuss/Action: Employment, resignation, reassignments:
VII. Adjourn