October 19, 2017 at 5:30 PM - Board Meeting - Regular Session
Minutes | |
I. Roll Call
II. **Approval of the Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The following are requests to amend the agenda. Add Exemplars of Excellence and change to V. Renumber all following items. Add items: A. Signal Mountain Middle High School Girls’ Golf Team – Dr. Robert Sharpe, Director of School Operations, Secondary Schools and Todd Stinson, Principal, Signal Mountain Middle High School; and B. Principal of the Year Recipient – Robin Copp – Dr. Justin Robertson, Assistant Superintendent and Charlie Spencer, TVA Under Item VIII. Approval of the Consent Agenda, Add 1a. Bids/Contracts – AMATROL Technical Training Aids under C. 1. Under Delegations add Theresa Reviere and Davida Wyatt, Tyner High Academy Parents Under Item IX.A. Campus Support – Add 4. **Building Plan; Add 5. New Positions Add Board Matters as item X. Add item: A. Committee Assignments Under IX. Administrative Business Matters change item 4. **Building Plan to 1.; item 5 New Positions to Item 2; move items 1. and 2. Board Policies to items 4. and 5. |
III. Executive Session - No
IV. Pledge to the Flag and Meditation - Dionne Upton, Principal of Woodmore Elementary
V. Exemplars of Excellence
V.A. Signal Mountain Middle High School Girls’ Golf Team – Dr. Robert Sharpe, Director of School Operations, Secondary Schools and Todd Stinson, Principal, Signal Mountain Middle High School
V.B. Principal of the Year Recipient – Robin Copp – Dr. Justin Robertson, Assistant Superintendent and Charlie Spencer,TVA
VI. Delegations
VI.A. Dan Liner, HCEA
VI.B. Brenna Kelly, Southeast Conservation Corps
VI.C. Wayne Brown, President of the Hamilton County Council of PTAs
Mr. Brown was not present for the meeting and did not speak.
VI.D. Theresa Reviere and Davida Wyatt, Tyner High Academy Parents
VII. **Approval of the Minutes of the September 21, 2017 Quarterly Session
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
VIII. **Approval of the Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Consent Agenda was approved with the exception of item VIII. Field Trips - B.1.a. Field Trip #6 which was pulled by Mrs. Lennon. After discussion the item was added back to the agenda with a motion by Mrs. Lennon, seconded by Mr. Galloway. All Board members voted aye and the motion passed.
VIII.A. Executive Committee Report
VIII.B. School Operations
VIII.B.1. Field Trips
VIII.B.1.a. Dr. Robert Sharpe – Director, Secondary Operations
Le Andrea Ware – Director, Secondary Operations (19)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Consent Agenda was approved with the exception of item VIII. Field Trips - B.1.a. Field Trip #6 which was pulled by Mrs. Lennon. After discussion the item was added back to the agenda for approval with a motion by Mrs. Lennon, seconded by Mr. Galloway. All Board members voted aye and the motion passed.
VIII.B.1.b. Career and Technology (2)
VIII.B.1.c. Elementary Field Trips - Karen Hollis, Director Elementary Operations and Dr. Neelie Parker, Director Elementary Operations (3)
VIII.C. Business and Finance - Christie Jordan
VIII.C.1. Bids/Contracts
VIII.C.1.a. AMATROL Technical Training Aids
VIII.C.2. Conferences/Consultants
VIII.C.3. Financial Reports
VIII.C.4. Budget Amendments
VIII.C.4.a. Federal Grants and Self-Funded Programs
VIII.C.5. Grant Application Requests
VIII.C.5.a. Grant Applications (1)
VIII.D. Campus Support - Dr. Lee McDade
VIII.D.1. Benchmark Physical Therapy Contract
IX. Administrative Business Matters
IX.A. ** New Positions - Stacy Stewart and Dr. Johnson
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
IX.B. Campus Support - Dr. Lee McDade
IX.B.1. ** Building Plan
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
IX.B.2. **ABM Custodial Contract-2 Year Extension Justin Witt, Auxiliary Services
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
IX.B.3. Board Policy 3.502 - Offer Versus Serve - First Reading
IX.B.4. Board Policy 6.304 - Student Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying, Cyber-Bullying, and Hazing - First Reading
X. Board Matters
X.A. Committee Assignments
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Chairman Highlander presented a new proposal for committees as follows: 1. Finance and Facilities will include all Board members, 2. Policy and Community Relations will be traditional in format with committees making suggestions for the full Board. Policy Committee members would be: Kathy Lennon, Chair, Joe Smith, Joe Wingate, and Rhonda Thurman; the Community Relations Committee members would be: Karitsa Mosley-Jones, Chair, Joe Galloway, Tiffanie Robinson, and David Testerman
XI. Information Only
XI.A. Legal Services Report
XII. Events/Announcements
XIII. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 7:23 p.m.