May 5, 2016 at 4:00 PM - Bradley County Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |||
1. Call to Order - Chris Turner, Chairman
2. Invocation - Pastor Kelvin Page, Westmore Church of God
3. Pledge to Flag - Hopewell Students
4. Presentation by Students from Hopewell Elementary School
Hopewell Elementary Students explained to the Board about their Hopewell Houses. The program encourages students to do something nice for someone else without being asked and expecting nothing in return.
5. Presentation by Students from GOAL Academy
Students from GOAL Academy presented the Board with cookies from their school based business. With classes like Personal Finance and Work Base Learning, students are learning about supply and demand and about how to manage their time when running a business.
6. Consent Agenda
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve Consent Agenda Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
6.a. Meeting Agenda
6.b. Minutes
6.c. Field Trips
6.c.1. BCHS 9th Grade Girls Wellness, Bodies Exhibit, Atlanta, GA, May 12, 2016
6.c.2. BCHS Skills USA-Broadcasting, Louisville, KY, June 20-24, 2016
6.c.3. BCHS Student Council and Chemistry Class, Six Flags, GA, May 25, 2016
6.c.4. BCHS and WVHS Pathways Bradley Students, Atlanta, GA, June 10, 2016
6.d. Bids
6.e. Policy
6.e.1. Section 6 (6.100-6.319) Students 2nd reading
6.f. BOC Approval for Submission of Grant Proposals
6.g. Food Service Budget
7. Persons Requesting to Address the Board on Agenda Items
No One requested to address the Board.
8. Director of Schools Report
8.a. The Director's View Editor Second Semester - Joeli Poole, Walker Valley High School
Dr. Cash recognized Joeli Poole from Walker Valley High School with a certificate for her work on the Director's View newsletter.
9. Student School Board Representatives from BCHS and WVHS - Amanda Lee
Amanda Lee presented the two Student School Board Representatives to the Board. Katie Baker from BCHS and Mia Patel from WVHS.
10. Energy Systems Group Update - Johnny Mull
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Energy Systems Group gave the Board an update on the project. They are at the 60% engineering review level and are looking at what makes the cut.
11. CTE Special Course - Arlette Robinson
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mrs. Robinson asked the Board to approve the CTE Special Courses for 2016-17 school year.
12. CTE Budget - Arlette Robinson
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
13. FY17 Consolidated Application Budget - Terri Murray
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
14. Special Course Approval - ACT Prep Pilot - Danny Coggin
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
15. Janitorial Bid
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Scott Humberd explained to the Board that the bids were opened for janitorial service. The RFP that was sent out requested pricing and stated there would be a required pre-bid meeting. At the pre-bid meeting an additional option was asked for. Option 1(original pricing)-vendor takes over entire school janitorial
operation and employees. Option 2 (added at pre-bid meeting)-vendor takes over entire school janitorial operation and 24 1/2 Bradley County Employees and will keep them at the same salary they are currently receiving. After narrowing the bids down to two companies, two additional options were given for pricing. Option 3-vendor takes over entire district janitorial operations and hires five (5)of our non-vested positions. Bradley County will keep all other current employees. Option 4-vendor takes over the entire janitorial operations and all current positions remain with BCS and then transition by employee attrition. Mr. Humberd told the Board that his recommendation is to award this contract to GCA with authorization for additional negotiation to finalize the contract. He also stated that the janitorial committee would like the Board to approve option 3 or 4. In discussion after the presentation, Dianna Calfee stated that the cost of option 3 is 500,000 and option 4 is 650,000. Mr. Turner asked Dr. Cash if there is 1.8 or 1.6 million in the budget. Dr. Cash told the Board that there is 1.6 million. Mr. Turner explained that option 3 is in the budget and 154,000 would need to be added to the budget if the Board chooses option 4. Dr. Cash let the Board know that she would like to have the opportunity to re-negotiate to lower the price. Mrs. Lee told the Board that she would like over the next year for someone to gather the information to tell the Board what it would cost to put everyone under Bradley County Schools. What is the total amount being spent for supplies and labor asked Mr. Dillard. 1.43 million Mr. Humberd told the Board.
16. Bathrooms for PK Classes at Michigan Ave - Scott Humberd
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mr. Humberd introduced Shronda Thompson, Director of Family Resource Agency, to answer questions about a project to build bathrooms in the PK classes at Michigan Avenue School. We are in need of approval from the Board to make modifications to the property. The project will be funded by pre-kindergarten.
17. 2016-17 Budget
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Susan Willcutt, Business Manager, presented the 2016-17 Budget to the Board. She explained that 83% of the budget goes to employee salaries and benefits. They plan to give step increases and flat raises for all employees. With these increases, Bradley County Schools are still slightly above Cleveland City Schools salaries. Also, Cleveland pays 90% of the individual insurance and Bradley County pays 100%. Since the Budget was presented at the April Board Meeting they made several changes based on the following:
Loss of 100 students from 2014-15 school year to the current 2015-16 school year resulting in a reduction of BEP money of $71,000, Removal of $150,000 budgeted for the American Uniform Building Lease Purchase, Addition of $342,600 in raises and benefits (taxes and retirement),
Addition of $20,000 for the Attendance Bonus payments for retirees, Addition of $18,500 for Medical Insurance due to loss of GAP insurance,
Addition of $10,000 for additional donation to Bradley/Cleveland Public Education Foundation, Addition of $36,800 for Special Education Contract Services, and the Addition of $10,300 for Elementary student testing.
18. Valley View School Mascot - Amanda Lee
Valley View School Mascot agenda item was moved to the consent agenda.
19. Policy 5.203 - Non-Renewal 1st reading
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
20. Policy 5.302 - Sick Leave 1st Reading
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
21. Director's Evaluation
Dr. Cash will email to the Board the Executive Summary of Performance Evaluation by the end of the second week of June. The evaluations will be consolidated for the July meeting.
22. Agenda Items for June and Announcements
Mr. Turner announced that there will be no June Board Meeting but he asked Mr. Rose to set up a public open forum for June. Mr. Rose suggested June 16, at 6:00 in the Board room. The Board signed a Resolution that requires an open forum to allow the public to address the Board on issues of teaching religion in Bradley County Schools.
Mr. Turner also reminded the Board and Principals that they would be in schools tomorrow to bring cookies to the staff for Teacher Appreciation. He thanked Mrs. Lee for organizing the event.
23. Adjournment - Chairman Turner