January 12, 2016 at 5:30 PM - Bradley County Board of Education Work Session
Minutes |
1. Call to Order - Presentation from Taylor Elementary Students
Students from Taylor Elementary School gave a demonstration of the exciting ways they use iPads at their school. Beta Club students were recognized as being a 2015-2016 Beta Club of Distinction.
2. ACT Update - Danny Coggin
Danny Coggin told the Board that Dr. Ben Phillips from Union University came and worked with the Bradley faculty and will come back to work with the Walker Valley faculty on ACT preparation. So many times people look at ACT scores to see where they want to move and who they want to be a part of. Bradley County School's are working to raise our scores. It is a huge part of our accountability beginning this year. Teams are being put together to celebrate our students that do well on the ACT.
3. Student Representative - Danny Coggin
Mr. Coggin told the Board that Mrs. Lee, Cary Ivester, Ann Pickens, and he worked on the Student Representative program to get all the details worked out. The Representatives will come to School Board, County Commission, and the Cleveland City School Board meetings. It is exciting for two of our young people to come and be a part of what goes on with this Board. What better way to prepare our future leaders than for them to experience it. It gives kids an opportunity to see how a real working board operates and how our government works.
4. Synovia Bus System Discussion
Scott Humberd handed the Board a highlight sheet from the Synovia Bus System presentation that was presented during the December Board meeting. The cost is a fee of $28.00 per month for 15 special education buses. We are proposing a four month service which will cost $1,680.00. A 60 month contract would be signed with a no funding clause. Mr. Lillios asked what the cost would be for ALL buses and the student location tracker. Mr. Humberd stated that it would move from $28.00 per month to $32.00 per month times the number of ALL buses.
5. Lake Forest Auditorium Update - Scott Humberd
Mr. Humberd met with members of Lewis Group, David Brown, and J & J construction on site at the Auditorium. Construction starts tomorrow. We have an April 1, 2016, deadline to get this project completed and we feel we will fall well before that deadline . Lewis has looked at the project and realized that if they move the raiser for the sprinkler system to the back of the auditorium they could take the new building and put it right up next to the auditorium. This would eliminate the building of a wall and that would be some cost savings. Our position is that if it slows down the construction process in any way, we are not for it. They all three assured me that it would not slow this project down at all.
6. Paving and Roofing Update - Scott Humberd
A handout from Associated Architectural Services was given to the Board by Mr. Humberd. The handout gives preliminary cost estimates for capital outlay projects for Charleston Elementary, Bradley Central High School and Walker Valley High School. According to Mr. Humberd, a request for bid will be sent out for Charleston seating. His recommendation for capital outlay projects at BCHS is to re-roof Building B and do asphalt patching. At WVHS, to re-roof the girl's locker area and do asphalt patching.
7. Energy Performance Contract - RFQ response from ESG
Four vendors responded to the RFQ for the Energy Performance Contract, Johnny Mull told the Board. Packets were made up and sent to everyone on the committee with a scoring matrix. ESG was everyone's first choice. The next step is for a full engineering study to be done. Mid April, they will bring the study back to the Board. At that time, the Board will know how much savings are possible. The cost of engineering studies from different companies range from 250,000 to 300,000 dollars. ESG charged Anderson County 60,000 for their study. The Board will have the choice to pay up front or roll into the pay back at that time. Chairman Turner restated that the next step is for the Board to vote to select ESG and engage the needs analysis at which time they would come back to the Board with a proposal for an investment grade audit with a price. Then the Board would decide to move forward and enter a performance contract or not. Mr. Turner also stated that the Board will still need County Commission approval because this must be backed by a bond.
8. AdvancED Survey Update - Terri Murray
Angie Gill talked to the Board about AdvancED surveys. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) accreditation is now known as AdvancED. The District is getting ready for our five year review and must do a self evaluation. Students, parents and staff will be asked to fill out surveys. AdvancED requires a certain participation rate of surveys completed so everyone is encouraged to participation. We will start on the 21st of January.
9. Substitute Planning Presentation - Dr. Cash and Sarah Crispin
Dr. Cash presented Henry Bledsoe, President of PESG (Professional Education Services Group, LLC) , which did a short presentation of their services. PESG had been in business for 10 years. It is a family owned business. They serve 504 school districts in 5 states with 42,000 substitute teachers that work for them. Their National headquarters are in Nashville. They do all the hiring process, background checks, corrective action, and training. They are a partnership - not a vendor. They have recognition banquets for substitutes. They offer voluntary benefits, manage unemployment, and all types of recruiting. They are the employer of record. The teacher will create an absence by using several different electronic options. A PESG employee will begin calling for subs at 5:00 a.m. each day. PESG can hire retired teachers and will not cause problems with retirement. They charge a general fee of 27.5% percent. 24.95% if no office is needed in Bradley County. They can grandfather in all subs currently being used. Dianna Calfee stated that she feels this is the way to go and asked if Dr. Cash is ready to make a recommendation. Dr. Cash explained that she is not ready to make the move yet. She just wanted to present this for the Boards information. Dr. Cash intends to make a recommendation at the February Board meeting. Chairman Turner asked for the number of districts PESC is serving in Tennessee right now and how long has PEGS been working with them. Mr. Bledsoe said that they are currently in two districts in Tennessee (Granger for two years and_________) They are working with Williamson County and have appointments with six other districts to talk with them.
10. Strategic Plan Update - Dr. Cash
Dr. Cash gave the Board an update on the Strategic Plan, specifically the budget process (attached). We will look at 3-5 years of data, current spending, and expected revenues to create the budget for the Board to review.
11. READ 20 Initiative - Dr. Cash
Dr. Cash told the Board that she just wanted to remind them of the kickoff of READ 20. We really look forward to the children that will be there talking about their love of reading. We invite you, we want you there, and appreciate your support. Commissioner McQueen is the keynote speaker. Also, The author of the 90% book and the liaison of our reading initiative will be there.
12. Joint Fiscal Monitoring of Fiscal Policies and Procedures for ESEA and IDEA, First to the Top, Title 1 School Improvement and 21st Century grants - Dr. Cash
Dr. Cash explained to the Board that this section of policy was reviewed and everything was in tack. There are no suggested changes for this section.
13. Lake Forest Middle School Funding
Dr. Cash reported that she is still looking at funding that is needed for Lake Forest Middle School. There are no true hard numbers from Lewis Group but they should have one by the February meeting. The Board will need to look at the multiple different ways to begin breaking ground on the Lake Forest project. The support is there and it is looking good from all entities. The project will have to done in multiple ways. Mr. Turner asked if during the presentation from Lewis Group they would be talking about the project cash flows. Dr. Cash answered that it would be part of what she will bring into the conversation. Mr. Turner went on to say that paying for the parking lot doesn't have to be done up front. This project will expand over multiple budget years so it will give the Board and Commission funding flexibility for the project.
14. Resolution Supporting Tennessee House Bill 1303/SB 1134 - Broadband
Mr. Rose read a Resolution Supporting Tennessee House Bill 1303/ SB 1134 - Broadband. Other companies are ready to come into SW and NE sections of Bradley County that do not have internet service, if this passes.
15. Policy Review
15.a. Policy 1st reading - Section 2 - Fiscal Management
Dr. Cash explained in item 12 that no changes are needed to Section 2.
15.b. Policy 1st reading - 6.304
Dr. Cash asked that the Board members look over policy 6.304 changes and additions to see if they see any other changes that are needed. The staff went over the policy and made the additions and changes to the policy that are highlighted.
15.c. Policy 2nd reading - 4.605, 4.700, 5.305 and 6.414
The recommended changes to these policies are in the attachment in eMeeting.
16. Adjournment - The Board Meeting is Thursday, January 14th at 5:30.