November 10, 2015 at 5:30 PM - Bradley County Board of Education Work Session
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Presentation from the Honor Choir Students at Oak Grove Elementary School
Honor choir students from Oak Grove Elementary school lead by Freda Burton sang "When I Close My Eyes Then I Can See".
3. Joint Meeting with County Commission Education Committee
The Bradley County Commission Education Committee meet with the Board. Chairman Louie Alford, Tom Crye, Bill Winters, Jeff Yarber, Dan Rawlins were in attendance from the Commission.
4. Update on Lake Forest Middle School - Lewis Group
Doug Shover and Richard Foster from the Lewis Group gave an update on the Lake Forest Middle School project to the Board and the Education Committee of the Commission. There was a meeting about a week ago with Lewis Group, Dr. Cash, Principal Stevenson and Tom Crye. The meeting was to continue to work through the layout of the buildings on the property and the layout of rooms within the buildings. According to Lewis Group, they are about one third of the way through the schematic design phase. Mr. Shover explained that the cost for the Lake Forest project was projected at 120.00 to 135.00 per square foot. The projected square footage is 88,550 and a grossing factor of 137,000 square foot. The current square footage that we are replacing is 108,000 square foot. Mr. Rawlings stated that at 137,000 square foot it will cost at a minimum $16,440.00. Mr. Shover replied that if you look at a range, we are at 16.2 million to 17.3 million.
Charlie Rose stated that on August 19, 2013, there was an ad hoc committee from the County Commission and some of the School Board members that met and out of that they sent to the County Commission a recommendation for 14 million. The recommendation was turned down and an amended motion for 12 million was made by Ms. Peak and seconded by Mr. Elkins. He reminded everyone that in 2010 or 2011 the Board originally ask the Commission for money for repairs to Lake Forest and was told that they were tired of putting money into the school. The Board was asked to bring back to the Commission a proposal to replace the academic buildings. The Board has done all that you have asked of us - To hire an architect, 1 million dollars to start the process, to move Blue Springs, move another school and now 5 years later, we just have a need to do this.
Chairman Turner reminded everyone that the purpose of this meeting is to talk about what our students need. To engage so the Education Committee of the Commission can understand the scope of work and the progress the Board has made. To show the considerations that will go into the proposal that the Board will make to the Finance Committee and the full Commission.
Dr. Cash added that she greatly appreciates the cooperation and conversation. She added that we always have to come to common ground through conversation and respect for each other.
5. Consideration for a Long Term Equity Account for BCHS Wellness Center/Weight Center and WVHS Bleachers considering the $100,000 gift from the Bank of Cleveland.
Mr. Turner explained to the Board that to give the go ahead to begin these projects, money will need to be moved from the reserve accounts and allocated to specific accounts dedicated to these projects. Dr. Cash added that the Foundation has the funds available for us to give them the go ahead to release the money for the first phase. We would like the Board to give them the go ahead. In January, The Bank of Cleveland will give $20,000.00 for Bradley Central High School and in April, $20,000.00 for Walker Valley High School. This money will go back into the original accounts.
6. 2016-17 District Calendar
Dr. Cash presented the 2016-17 District Calendar to the Board for their consideration. She explained that it is very close to our calendar for this school year. The two main items to change were, students will not be in buildings on election days and we will only take three days at Thanksgiving.
7. Energy Update - Johnny Mull
Johnny Mull gave an update from the last meeting of the Joint Energy Ad Hoc Committee. A group for the state, Clean Energy Solutions. We provided them with the last two years of utility data for them to review. They will do an energy study of our buildings and will issue a report back to us with their initial findings. At the meeting, Mr. Turner made a motion for Mr. Mull to develop an RFQ for the committee to look at.
8. Policy Review
8.a. 1st Reading - Policy 5.102 - Classification and Qualifications
Dr. Cash reviewed with the Board the proposed changes to Policy 5.102 during the 1st reading.
8.b. 2nd Reading -Policy 6.4001, 6.600, 6.601, 6.602, 6.603
Dr. Cash reviewed with the Board the proposed changes to Policies 6.4001, 6.600, 6.601, 6.602, 6.603 during the 2nd reading.
9. Announcements - Board Meeting Thursday, November 12, 2015, at 5:30 p.m.
Mr. Turner recognized Dr. Cash so she could present to the Board a request from Ocoee Middle School for permission to alter the school grounds by building a sidewalk and a retaining wall for a Greenway connector.
Thursday's Board Meeting will conclude with a closed safety meeting.
The Board will attend the TSBA Leadership Conference beginning Friday and the TSBA Annual Conference beginning Saturday and both will end on Monday. During the meeting on Saturday from 10:30 - 12:00 the Board will meet with a consultant for some long range planning. The consultants name is Jody Lentz.
Dianna Calfee asked that Scott Bennett speak to the Board on Thursday about the BEP Review Committee taking an ax to the BEP
10. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Turner.